Testo | 2019 | N. 77

Anno 2019 – Annata: XL – N. 77 Mese: gennaio-giugno
Numero monografico: Saverio Bettinelli nel III centenario della nascita (1718-1808)
A cura di Maicol Cutrì

Autore/i articolo: Corrado Viola
Titolo articolo: Premessa
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 9-11
Etichette: Letteratura, XVIII secolo, Saverio Bettinelli,

Autore/i articolo: Gilberto Pizzamiglio
Titolo articolo: Sulle edizioni Zatta e Cesare delle Opere di Saverio Bettinelli

The essay analyzes both the cultural and publishing context in which, twenty years apart, the two editions of Saverio Bettinelli’s Opere appear: the ‘Zatta’, made of 8 volumes between 1779 and 1780, and the subsequent ‘Cesare’, made of 24 smaller volumes and published between 1799 and 1802. Both collections gather all Bettinelli wrote, until their publication year. Moreover, they are both realized with the help of the Abbot’s friends and through the subscription method. The two works might be considered as laborious typographic endeavors, which had different qualitative outcomes: refined and well edited the former, more overlooked and misprinted the latter. This exemplifies two different moments in the prestigious Venetian typography, which was on the verge of crisis during the last decade of the 1700s, coinciding with the fall of the Republic.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 15-25
Etichette: Editoria, Letteratura italiana, Libro, Testo, Tipografia, XIX secolo, XVIII secolo, Saverio Bettinelli, Opere, Venezia

Autore/i articolo: Franco Motta
Titolo articolo: Bettinelli, i gesuiti e la storia d’Italia

The interpretation of Bettinelli in the Italian historiography of the late 20th century has been largely influenced by his membership to the Society of Jesus, marked by a peculiar culture, polemically labeled as ‘jesuitism’ (gesuitismo), combining a functional openness toward modernity with a substantial refusal of its philosophical and cultural premises. This article advances a possible alternative reading of this topic, showing how Bettinelli’s considerations about the past and the present of Italy suggest that the influence of his Jesuitic background may be rather detected in his interest in building a new ruling class for the Italian States of his time.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 27-33
Etichette: Gesuiti, Letteratura italiana, Modernità, Religione, Storiografia, XVIII secolo, Saverio Bettinelli, Italia

Autore/i articolo: Paola Bisutti
Titolo articolo: Saverio Bettinelli e la musica

Disseminated in the interior extensive treatises (Il Risorgimento d’Italia; Dell’entusiasmo delle belle arti), the ideas on music by Saverio Bettinelli (1718-1808) have not so far attracted the attention of musicologists and musical aesthetics scholars. Unlike his contemporaries, he does not focus his reflections on melodrama, trying instead to understand why music, «the first pleasure of man in every state», had, with respect to other arts, a less decisive role in the «revival» of the consciences and nations. Retracing the incessant succession of tastes and prejudices, Bettinelli hopes that even in music a classic canon can be set, the result of a decisive encounter between the talent of genius and the reasoning of genius.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 35-49
Etichette: Estetica, Letteratura italiana, Musica, Nazione, XVIII secolo, Saverio Bettinelli, Dell’entusiasmo delle belle arti, Il Risorgimento d’Italia,

Autore/i articolo: William Spaggiari
Titolo articolo: Leopardi e Bettinelli

In the writings of Giacomo Leopardi the presence of Saverio Bettinelli is rather discontinuous. At first he is appreciated as an author of epigrams and tragedies; later, the attention shifts to his poems, dialogues, historical works, destined to leave some traces in the Operette morali and in the Ginestra.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 51-59
Etichette: Dialogo, Epigramma, Intertestualità, Letteratura italiana, Poesia, Storiografia, Tragedia, XVIII secolo, Giacomo Leopardi, Saverio Bettinelli, La ginestra, Operette morali,

Autore/i articolo: Fabio Danelon
Titolo articolo: Nestore in ombra. Saverio Bettinelli in alcune storie letterarie dell’Ottocento

The essay examines the reception methods and judgments on the work and the figure of Saverio Bettinelli in nineteenth-century Italian literary historiography, with special regard to those published between the beginning of the century and the birth of the Kingdom of Italy.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 61-75
Etichette: Critica letteraria, Letteratura italiana, Storia della critica, Storia della letteratura, XIX secolo, XVIII secolo, Saverio Bettinelli, Regno d'Italia

Autore/i articolo: Franco Arato
Titolo articolo: «In questo secolo sventurato». Bettinelli apologista cattolico

The paper deals with one of Bettinelli’s minor texts, the Saggio sopra la storia dell’uomo preso dalla Genesi e in vari ragionamenti recitato, composed of ten sermons pronounced in the churches of Verona in 1759, later rearranged by the author. The sermons attest Bettinelli’s role in the Catholic apologetics of the late eighteenth century: his adversaries were the philosophers of the Enlightenment (even if the Jesuit had a strong penchant for Voltaire), his models both Saint Agustin and the Baroque homiletics, up to the contemporary preacher Giovanni Granelli.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 79-89
Etichette: Barocco, Bibbia, Chiesa, Illuminismo, Religione, XVII secolo, XVIII secolo, Giovanni Granelli, Saverio Bettinelli, Voltaire, Saggio sopra la storia dell’uomo preso dalla Genesi e in vari ragionamenti recitato,

Autore/i articolo: Alessandra Di Ricco
Titolo articolo: Dell’entusiasmo delle belle arti»: estetica e politica culturale in Bettinelli

This chapter discusses the militant nature of Bettinelli’s work, which marks the endpoint of his reflection on the issue of poetry reform, begun with Versi sciolti di Diodoro Delfico and continued through the Lettere virgiliane and Lettere inglesi. Such a reform aim at restoring the role and the dignity of the poet, who lays a claim to the rights of “immagination”, threatened by the intrusion of the philosophical and scientific truth. In Bettinelli’s thought, the aesthetic theory of “enthusiasm” takes on a strongly pedagogical and pragmatic connotation, which reflects the hegemonic ambition of Jesuit culture.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 91-103
Etichette: Immaginario, Letteratura italiana, Poeta, Poetica, XVIII secolo, Saverio Bettinelli, Lettere virgiliane, Versi sciolti di Diodoro Delfico,

Autore/i articolo: Fabio Forner
Titolo articolo: Bettinelli scrittore di lettere: precettistica, prassi e letteratura

The books of fictional letters written by Saverio Bettinelli met, in some cases, with great success in the eighteenth century. Contemporary critics also observed the shifting of the epistolary genre operated by Bettinelli from the axis of daily practice to that of literary fiction. There are few private letters actually sent by Bettinelli that were printed during the eighteenth century. Moreover, the interest of the letter-writing instruction manuals of the XVIII century and their anthologies in Bettinelli as writer of letters also seems scarce. An important exception, however, is represented by the epistolary anthology staged by Andrea Rubbi who, before the end of the eighteenth century, published 41 private family letters of Bettinelli: even with such writings, witty and graceful, Rubbi thought of bridging the gap with the French in the genre epistolary. Finally, some excerpts of Bettinelli’s correspondence with Angelo Mazza are published and commented on to show what was the practice of Bettinelli as a writer of private letters. In the end, the publication of the entire Mazza-Bettinelli correspondence is hoped for.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 105-117
Etichette: Epistolario, Epistolografia, Finzione, Letteratura italiana, XVIII secolo, Andrea Rubbi, Angelo Mazza, Saverio Bettinelli, Lettere inglesi, Lettere virgiliane,

Autore/i articolo: Cristina Cappelletti
Titolo articolo: Saverio Bettinelli tra libri di lettere e ‘romanzi’

The paper is dedicated to fiction letters of Saverio Bettinellli, written in the last part of Bettinelli’s life. The paper analyses the form of letters and their system of quoting. Bettinelli’s fiction letters are compared to the more famous Eighteenth century’s fiction letters collections written by Giuseppe Antonio Costantini and Pietro Chiari.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 119-134
Etichette: Epistolografia, Finzione, Intertestualità, Letteratura italiana, XVIII secolo, Giuseppe Antonio Costantini, Pietro Chiari, Saverio Bettinelli,

Autore/i articolo: Renzo Rabboni
Titolo articolo: Dal teatro romano alla tragedia ‘greca’: Bettinelli e Conti

The tragedies of the Roman subject of Antonio Conti are the direct antecedent to which Bettinelli refers for his proposal of a new Greek tragedy. In particular, Bettinelli demonstrates his appreciation, in addition to the formal aspects, of the moral and political purpose of the Conti’s theater, for the purpose of promoting civil virtues. However, in the stage tests and, above all, in the theoretical essays (Del teatro italiano, Dell’Entusiasmo delle Belle arti) the Jesuit Mantua recovered from the theater of the Greeks the role of passions and feelings: what Conti had intended instead to remove, in the name of the still classicistic prejudice against a ects. In this recovery, we measure the novelty and modernity of Bettinelli, which incorporates from the contemporary debate cues offered by the poetry of sensism, and perhaps in ways mediated by the thousand-Nese environment, by the inquiry into the sublime and the beauty of Edmund Burke. Up to the prelude to aspects of the poetics of the Romantics, and in particular of Francesco De Sanctis, who looked specifically at theoretic Bettinelli.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 137-149
Etichette: Estetica, Letteratura italiana, Teatro, Teoria della letteratura, Tragedia, XIX secolo, XVIII secolo, Antonio Conti, Edmund Burke, Francesco De Sanctis, Saverio Bettinelli, Del teatro italiano, Dell’entusiasmo delle belle arti,

Autore/i articolo: Simona Brunetti
Titolo articolo: Teoria e prassi tragica di Saverio Bettinelli; corollari veronesi

In this paper we propose to highlight how the tragic theory elaborated by the abbot Saverio Bettinelli for the Parma Nobility College was the harbinger of some subsequent interesting realizations and practical activities. The last years in which he lives in Avesa, in the Verona area, are in fact the same ones in which the theatrical passion of Count Alessandro Carli is consolidated and his friendship with the Marquis Francesco Albergati Capacelli. Tragediographer and appreciated actor in noble circles, Carli owes his theatrical training largely to the illustrious master Bettinelli, a source so far little investigated and worthy of new attention.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 151-158
Etichette: Intertestualità, Letteratura italiana, Nobiltà, Teoria della letteratura, Tragedia, XVIII secolo, Alessandro Carli, Francesco Albergati Capacelli, Saverio Bettinelli, Parma, Verona

Autore/i articolo: Stefania Baragetti
Titolo articolo: Motivi arcadici nei sonetti di Bettinelli

The paper is dedicated to the sonnets of Saverio Bettinelli, edited in two collections of his literary work (the editions Zatta, 1780-1782, and Cesare, 1799-1801), in printed sheets, in occasional collections and in the thirteenth volume of the Rime degli Arcadi (1780). Particular attention is focused on the contents, mainly oriented to the occasional motif, and to the essay Sul sonetto (1780), through which Bettinelli offers to young poets a catalog of models connected to the Arcadia of Giovan Mario Crescimbeni.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 159-168
Etichette: Letteratura italiana, Poesia, Sonetto, Teoria della letteratura, XVIII secolo, Giovan Mario Crescimbeni, Saverio Bettinelli, Rime degli Arcadi, Sul sonetto,

Autore/i articolo: Rosa Necchi
Titolo articolo: Il poemetto Le raccolte fra satira, proposte e polemiche

Pubblished in Venice in 1751 to celebrate Andrea Giulio Cornaro’s wedding, the satirical short poem written in octaves Le raccolte blamed the growing popularity of the poetry for occasions and the literary amateurism, and showed some limits regarding the contemporary publishing market. Bettinelli represented the dispute between the array of the mainstream authors and the confuse ranks of mediocre poets, led by Cacoete, who embodied the bad taste in poetry. In this way he criticized the pooor and trivial poetry.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 169-183
Etichette: Letteratura italiana, Matrimonio, Poesia, Poeta, Satira, XVIII secolo, Andrea Giulio Cornaro, Saverio Bettinelli, Le raccolte, Venezia

Autore/i articolo: Anna Maria Salvadè
Titolo articolo: «Né epistole né poemi»: la terza via di Bettinelli poeta

The present paper examines the features of Bettinelli’s poetry in blank verse. Through the free hendecasyllable, indeed, Bettinelli aimed at becoming the promoter of a new poetic vogue. Between overtures to the new and loyalty to the classics, the argumentative typology of the free verse is regarded not only as the vehicle for philosophical and scientific content, which restores important civil function to poetic expression, but also to the Beautiful, as a guarantee of stylistic redemption unlike rhymed poetry.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 185-194
Etichette: Bello, Letteratura italiana, Poesia, XVIII secolo, Saverio Bettinelli,

Autore/i articolo: Roberta Benedusi; Cesare Guerra
Titolo articolo: Bettinelli in filigrana. L’intellettuale mantovano nel fondo della Biblioteca Teresiana di Mantova

The recent inventory of Saverio Bettinelli’s personal archive, kept at the Biblioteca Teresiana in Mantua, revealed the ex-Jesuit’s will to leave his documents and books to the Biblioteca Pubblica, an institution connected to the Regia Accademia in Mantua. With this contribution we propose, therefore, to define the Mantuan intellectual’s profile through the documents he left to the memory of the city, retracing the last years of his life spent in his hometown and recalling his relationship with the Accademia Virgiliana, in particular the relations with illustrious exponents such as Matteo Borsa, his cousin and nephew, and Leopoldo Camillo Volta, director of the Biblioteca.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 197-207
Etichette: Archivio, Biblioteca, Città, Libro, XVIII secolo, Leopoldo Camillo Volta, Matteo Borsa, Saverio Bettinelli, Mantova

Autore/i articolo: Giovanni Catalani
Titolo articolo: Saverio Bettinelli allo specchio: i suoi corrispondenti

This paper highlights the figure of Saverio Bettinelli at the centre of a vast and branched network of correspondence between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The examination of the correspondents of the Mantuan Jesuit went alongside with the Manus online cataloguing project of manuscripts from Italian libraries, and led to review different types of his epistolary relationships. Finally the report focuses on some of them, which have also been published by the C.R.E.S. (Research Center on Eighteenth-century Epistolaries, University of Verona).

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 209-221
Etichette: Epistolario, Manoscritto, XIX secolo, XVIII secolo, Saverio Bettinelli, Mantova, Verona

Autore/i articolo: Luca Bani
Titolo articolo: I corrispondenti bergamaschi di Saverio Bettinelli

The essay reconstructs the consistency and location of the documents that make up the correspondence between Saverio Bettinelli and his correspondents in Bergamo – Lorenzo Mascheroni, Giuseppe Beltramelli and Paolina Secco Suardo Grismondi – also giving a brief acconut of the themes most dealt with and outlining their epistolographic characteristics.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 223-232
Etichette: Epistolario, Epistolografia, Letteratura italiana, XVIII secolo, Giuseppe Beltramelli, Lorenzo Mascheroni, Paolina Secco Suardo Grismondi, Saverio Bettinelli, Bergamo

Autore/i articolo: Gian Paolo Marchi
Titolo articolo: Bettinelli e Verona

Bettinelil’s privileged relationship with the Veronese literary enviroment was particularly based on his profound esteem for Scipione Maffei and his Verona Illustrata, but also extends more specifically to the literary sphere, as emerges from his close correspondence with Ippolito Pindemonte. Bettinelli also greatly esteemed Giuseppe Pellegrini, who was praised by Eriprando Giuliari, a vigorous interpreter of the ideology of the nobility. Bettinelli loved to attend the famous Veronese salons of Elisabetta Mosconi and Silvia Curtoni Verza, who dedicated one of her Ritratti to him.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 233-247
Etichette: Epistolario, Ideologia, Letteratura italiana, Nobiltà, XVIII secolo, Elisabetta Mosconi, Eriprando Giuliari, Giuseppe Pellegrini, Ippolito Pindemonte, Saverio Bettinelli, Scipione Maffei, Silvia Curtoni Verza, Verona illustrata, Verona

Autore/i articolo: Roberto Navarrini
Titolo articolo: Alcune note sulla corrispondenza Acerbi-Bettinelli

The essay analyzes the long friendship between Saverio Bettinelli and Giuseppe Acerbi through their correspondence.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 249-257
Etichette: Epistolario, Letteratura italiana, XVIII secolo, Giuseppe Acerbi, Saverio Bettinelli,

Autore/i libro/articolo recensito: Sauro Damiani; Lorenzo Babini; Sergio Cristaldi
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Quartine e alte poesie; La camera di Arnaut; Turno R
Edizioni: Edizioni La Torre; Corte Micina; capireedizioni, Pontedera; Roma; Forlì – 2018; 2018; 2019
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 271-276
Recensore/i: Giancarlo Pontiggia