Testo | 2018 | N. 76

Anno 2018 – Annata: XXXIX – N. 76 Mese: luglio-dicembre
A cura di Maicol Cutrì

Autore/i articolo: Silvia Apollonio
Titolo articolo: Malatesta Porta e la «questione dei costumi» nella Gerusalemme liberata: la difesa di Solimano nel dialogo Il Beffa

The character of Solimano knows a deep evolution over the course of Gerusalemme Liberata and therefore encountered precocious disapprovals that probably convinced Tasso to change his outline in later Conquistata. The first part of the essay deals with the develop of the Soldano between the two works, to better understand the «questione dei costumi» concerning him, introduced in the second part of this paper. Malatesta Porta, a scholar from Rimini, participated in the discussion with the dialogue Il Beffa, published in 1604 but undoubtedly dated back, for his first draft, to late ’80s of XVIth century, the most prosperous moment for the polemic over the poem.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 9-25
Etichette: Critica del testo, Dialogo, Letteratura italiana, Letteratura rinascimentale, Poema eroico, Poeta, XVI secolo, Malatesta Porta, Torquato Tasso, Gerusalemme Liberata, Il Beffa, Rimini

Autore/i articolo: Angelo Stella
Titolo articolo: Lo scaffale silenzioso

This article contains a series of reflections, crafted and shared (in part also published) by the author, previously collected in volume 53 of Cento Amici del Libro where they were liberally illustrated by the woodcuts of Gianni Verna and Gianfranco Schialvino. It offers a look, from a suitably discreet distance, at Manzoni’s library, real and virtual, humbly acknowledging its empty spaces, absences, question marks and anguished silences, retracing the steps of Manzoni’s rational faculties in their search for a poetics of truth, with the insistent question, asked metodhically, of how poetic inspiration can even begin approach the unattainable ideal of Pascalian form of Christianity. The page’s of Manzoni’s writings are always provisional, always imperfect: whether they are subsequently rejected, unpublished, or go on to form part of revised and expanded editions. His ne varietur are only ever intermediate stages in a work still in progress drafts and sketches genetically searching for some kind of ultimate but still provisional textuality, always open to discussion even beyond the results of their final printed form: from the proud debut of his libertine and libertarian early years, to the conscious departure of the Inni Sacri, to the dignified silence maintained over events and cultural voices in the years of his fame, to the years of his maturity. Every word Manzoni wrote calls for mental reconstructions or even rewritings. The informed reader understands how tempting it is not to go beyond the fluid trasparency of his easy turn of phase; but is well that this truth can only truly be discovered in the fascinating ethical temptation of doubt, in the progressive rethinking of certanties, at what Manzoni feared was the twlight of Renzo and Lucia’s world.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 27-52
Etichette: Biblioteca privata, Creatività, Cristianesimo, Letteratura italiana, Poesia, Romanzo, Silenzio, XIX secolo, Alessandro Manzoni, Blaise Pascal, I promessi sposi, Inni sacri, Milano

Autore/i articolo: Monica Bisi
Titolo articolo: Storia di Cinquecento Vanesse e Le farfalle: Gozzano verso un «risveglio alato» della poesia?

The essay analyzes the first two compositions of the unfinished Epistole entomologiche, focusing on the themes that cross the entire collection and testify its organicity. The metamorphic dynamics, the work of Nature, the analogy between the destiny of man and that of the butterfly, the coexistence but also the contrast between life and death, the sacrifice, the succession of opposites are, for the last Gozzano, the subject of a new poetry, which will be represented by forms of expression different from the logic of the first two collections. These forms will be the privileged object of this investigation. Dante’s Commedia work and style are the indispensable formal model of the verses dedicated to butterflies, wich are influenced, even if indirectly, by the various voices of the philosophical reflection that reacts to Positivism.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 53-72
Etichette: Biologia, Conflitto, Filosofia, Intertestualità, Letteratura italiana, Poesia, Poetica, Stile, XX secolo, Dante Alighieri, Guido Gozzano, Epistole entomologiche, La Divina Commedia,

Autore/i articolo: Tania Bergamelli
Titolo articolo: Dentro Il podere di Federigo Tozzi: la ‘tecnica del montaggio’

This article analyses a particular assembly technique used by Federigo Tozzi in composing his texts. The case of study is offered by one of his major novels, Il podere (1921), whose manuscript reveals how Tozzi deliberatly left some descriptives parts to be completed later. To reach this completion, the author could work en plein air, to catch a landscape as a painter would have done, otherwise re-use some pages written years before. In this second case, the pages here re-used are taken from the typescript of Adele (1979, posthumous), the well-known first novel never published by Tozzi but rather dismantled, put aside and kept in a drawer as a sort of tank of useful pages, to be re-used if necessary.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 73-95
Etichette: Filologia, Letteratura italiana, Romanzo, Scrittura, XX secolo, Federigo Tozzi, Adele, Il podere,

Autore/i articolo: Paolo Giovannetti
Titolo articolo: Tra Contini e Raboni: le costrizioni (storiche) del verso libero

Both Gianfranco Contini and Giovanni Raboni studied the consequences of poetic translation in the field of metrics and wrote poems whose forms were influenced by their critical ideas. The difference is that whereas Contini, in the fourth and fifth decades of the Twentieth century, theorizes the necessity of free verse, Raboni, fifty years later, argues that free verse is dead and must be replaced by ‘new-metrical’ forms. The particular structures which modern translations develop may be considered either as a ‘bet’ on the future or as the triumph of informal stances; and these two points of view reflect two opposite ways of representing the issues of metrics contemporary Italian literature.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 97-111
Etichette: Critica letteraria, Letteratura italiana, Metrica, Poesia, Traduzione, XX secolo, Gianfranco Contini, Giovanni Raboni,

Autore/i articolo: Ottavio Ghidini
Titolo articolo: «Ho cercato di riprenderlo, di farlo mio». Bassani e Manzoni, tra biografia e pagine critiche

In this essay, I analyse Bassani’s life in order to identify the several links between him and Alessandro Manzoni’s literary work. I also studied, in detail, Bassani’s critical reflection texts to collect and investigate closely Manzoni’s references, as he was, for Bassani, a crucial and fundamentally influential poet, novelist and intelectual.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 113-135
Etichette: Critica letteraria, Fortuna editoriale, Intertestualità, Letteratura italiana, Poeta, Romanzo, XIX secolo, XX secolo, Alessandro Manzoni, Giorgio Bassani, Milano

Autore/i articolo: Andrea Battistini
Titolo articolo: Prospettive sull’epistolarità fittizia

In the XVIIIth century the habit of writing letters becomes very large. This essay disntinguishes at first between letters really sent, and fictious letters. These subsume the form of the letters, but the sender, or the addressee, or the message itself, or all the three elements togheter are not real and the letter not really sent. At the same time broad parts in common are noted, for instance when two real pen-friends decide to publish theirs letters really sent, working out again with literary goal. In this case the epistolary exchange has two different moments and two different aims which give them at first a private, and then a public character gifted with the impression of a fictious conctruction. Following the typology of the letters included in the literary works (novels, theatrical works, travel literature), are shown the resemblance with diary and with literary genre of dialogue, in opposition to the monological structure of the treatise. At last the essay shows the difference between epistolography of the first half of the XVIIIth century and the second half. In this way can be noted the transition from essaystic letters to letters where the author prefers to follow the freedom of his exposition, the subjectivity of his impressions, the fluctuation of this mood.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 139-146
Etichette: Dialogo, Diario, Epistolografia, Finzione, Letteratura epistolare, Romanzo, Saggio, Teatro, XVIII secolo,

Autore/i articolo: Paolo Senna
Titolo articolo: «Dato a Montale perché lo rifaccia». Compiti redazionali di un poeta al Corriere

The article focuses, on the basis of un-published documents, one of the editorial activities required to Montale in the first years of collaboration with the «Corriere della Sera», that is, the interventions (cuts or remakes) practiced on other journalist’s texts. Thanks to the documentation kept at the Fondazione «Corriere della Sera», it is possible to find evidence of the remaking of an article by Carlo Nazzaro, which Montale rewrote giving – as usually – proof of the features of his style. This case throws light on the daily activities of the poet in the editorial staff of the newspaper.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 147-151
Etichette: Editoria, Giornalismo, Poeta, Quotidiano, Stile, XX secolo, Eugenio Montale, Corriere della Sera,

Autore/i libro/articolo recensito: Annalisa Andreoni
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Ama l’italiano. Segreti e meraviglie della lingua più bella
Edizioni: Piemme, Milano – 2017
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 155-157
Recensore/i: Giulia Grata

Autore/i libro/articolo recensito: Edoardo Ripari
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Storia cinematografica della letteratura italiana
Edizioni: Carocci, Roma – 2015
Pag. 158-162
Recensore/i: Francesco Rossini

Autore/i libro/articolo recensito: Jo Ann Cavallo; Corrado Confalonieri
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Boiardo
Edizioni: Unicopli, Milano – 2018
Pag. 162-164
Recensore/i: Stefano Ghiroldi

Autore/i libro/articolo recensito: Michelangelo Buonarroti
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Rime e Lettere
A cura di: Antonio Corsaro; Giorgio Masi
Edizioni: Bompiani, Milano – 2016
Pag. 164-166
Recensore/i: Andrea Colopi

Titolo libro/articolo recensito: «Senza te son nulla». Studi sulla poesia sacra di Torquato Tasso
A cura di: Marco Corradini; Ottavio Ghidini
Edizioni: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura-Centro Culturale “Alle Grazie” – Padri domenicani,, Roma-Milano – 2016
Pag. 166-170
Recensore/i: Francesco Rossini

Autore/i libro/articolo recensito: Enrico Tatasciore
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: «Epos» di Giovanni Pascoli. Un laboratorio del pensiero e della poesia
Edizioni: Pàtron, Bologna – 2017
Pag. 170-172
Recensore/i: Veronica Bernardini

Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Sette studi per Gozzano
A cura di: Maria Borio; Stefano Carrai; Alberto Comparini
Edizioni: Pacini, Pisa – 2018
Pag. 172-173
Recensore/i: Monica Bisi

Autore/i libro/articolo recensito: Emanuele Tesauro
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: La Tragedia
A cura di: Maria Luisa Doglio
Edizioni: Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli (Catanzaro) – 2017
Pag. 173-175
Recensore/i: Maicol Cutrì

Autore/i libro/articolo recensito: Angelo Andreotti
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: A tempo e luogo
Edizioni: Manni, San Cesario di Lecce – 2016
Pag. 177-178
Recensore/i: Giancarlo Pontiggia

Autore/i libro/articolo recensito: Angelo Andreotti
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Il nascosto dell’opera. Frammenti sull’eticità dell’arte
Edizioni: Italic, Ancona – 2018
Pag. 177-178
Recensore/i: Giancarlo Pontiggia