Le riviste sostenitrici
Strumenti critici | 2021 | N. 157
Anno 2021 – Annata: XXXVI – N. 157 Mese: settembre-dicembre
A cura di Federica Bellei
Titolo articolo: Nell’officina di Dante
The article focuses on the famous lines of Purgatorio XXIV, 52-54, which offer a concise description of Dante’s Arbeitsweise. The archetype is to identify with a passage of Vergilii Vita Donati, 23-24, which acts as a model in Dante’s lines
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 423-430
Etichette: Dante Alighieri, Purgatorio, Vergilii Vita Donati,
Titolo articolo: L’angelo e la bufera Benjamin e il tempo figurale di Eros
Walter Benjamin states that time’s linearity collapses in the constellation of Jetztzeit. However, past is acknowledged and addressed by means of the dialectical image, as also happens in erotic experiences. Through the anagogic approach granted by the figural interpretation of history it is possible to make sense of the present as the realization of a past event. While establishing an intermittent dialogue with Auerbach, Benjamin therefore presents a hermeneutic perspective which is embodied in Paul Klee’s enigmatic angel figure. The presence of Dante’s Inferno, Canto V, can also be detected in the background.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 431-448
Etichette: Dante: Commedia, Walter Benjamin,
Titolo articolo: Postilla al «Gelsomino notturno» di Giovanni Pascoli
In Giovanni Pascoli’s Gelsomino notturno a contrapuntual technique is employed which had already been used in certain French symbolist poems (Mallarmé, Verlaine). This technical device is introduced in Pascoli’s text when the traditional representation of the flower/woman is followed by the narrator’s memories and imagination. Pascoli also seems to echo and compete with d’Annunzio’s more explicit poetry.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 449-459
Etichette: Simbolismo, D'Annunzio, Giovanni Pascoli, Mallarmé, Paul Verlaine,
Titolo articolo: Lettere di Libero de Libero a Carlo Bo 1941-1981
Libero de Libero’s letters held at the Archivio Urbinate shed new light on his significant and complex forty-year relationship with eminent critic and translator Carlo Bo. In the thirties de Libero was associated with the artists of the “Scuola romanaµ whereas Bo had strong ties with the Florentine hermetic poets. Their paths did not cross until de Libero commissioned Bo to write a few articles in the early forties. As the director of the journal Parallelo, de Libero eventually rejected two essays proposed by Bo in 1943. In the subsequent years, he was bitterly disappointed with Bo’s critical writings on his own poetry which he did not deem truthfully appreciative. After an eighteen-year break, they resumed contact and strengthened their friendship in 1971 when de Libero won the Viareggio Prize and was highly praised by Bo in several articles
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 461-495
Etichette: Antologia, Critica letteraria, Rivista, XX secolo, Carlo Bo, Libero De Libero,
Titolo articolo: «Una maniera di scribacchiare unidimensionale». Su John Fante sceneggiatore
John Fante’s work as a screenwriter has attracted little scholarly attention. However, a thorough examination of these works can shed light on interesting aspects of his personality. This essay aims to analyze all the films based on scripts written by John Fante and explore the connections between these works and his novels and short stories. On the one hand, Fante’s scripts present an increasingly skeptical reflection on the activity of writing and on the value of books as shown by explicit and implicit references to Ask the Dust and to The Road to Los Angeles. On the other, several screenplays are set in Italy and therefore have a remarkable biographical value, as they reveal the way in which Fante relates to his father’s home country
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 497-519
Etichette: Cinema, Intertestualità, Sceneggiatura, John Fante,
Titolo articolo: Vittorio Sereni e «Questo e altro»
The partial reprint of the journal Questo e altro (1962-1964) brings to the fore the crucial issue of the relationship between literature and politics in the Sixties. Prominent writers who collaborated to the journal include Franco Fortini and Giovanni Raboni, but Vittorio Sereni is the poet who best exemplifies the difficult balance between these two worlds
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 521-525
Etichette: Politica, Franco Fortini, Giovanni Raboni, Vittorio Sereni, Questo e altro,
Titolo articolo: Una via di fuga dal razzismo: gli anni Novanta secondo Kureishi
The article addresses the issue of conflict between different cultures through the debut novels of the Pakistani-born English writer Hanif Kureishi. Following Achille Mbembe’s theory on the historical phases of racism, the analysis sheds light on some aspects related to the assignment of prejudice and the theme of the internalization of the discrimination, by investigating the difficult coexistence of profoundly different values in modern society, the relationship between blackness and Englishness, the nature of censorship and the adhesion to Islamic radicalism.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 528-546
Etichette: Islamismo, Achille Mbembe, Hanif Kureishi,
Titolo articolo: La mediazione cognitiva del «far segno» dantesco: modelli, implicazioni narrative e procedure attuative del processo conoscitivo nella «Commedia»
This essay analyses the implementation of the cognitive process adopted in Dante’s Commedia, with particular attention to its occurrences in Paradiso. It aims to clarify some fundamental questions which concern the procedures pursued by Dante in order to gain knowledge, the role of memory in this kind of dynamic, the function of the souls of the blessed in the same cognitive process and the narrative implications of the preclusion of knowledge to Dante as a character
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 547-569
Etichette: Aristotele, Dante Alighieri, Divina Commedia,
Titolo articolo: Fra stile e gnoseologia. Forme della conoscenza nei «Paralipomeni» di Leopardi
The essay aims to analyze the formal and structural elements of Giacomo Leopardi’s heroic-comic poem Paralipomeni according to the author’s philosophical and gnoseological positions. Leopardi’s epistemological theory determines the features and the particular nature of Leopardi’s heroicomic poem intended as a satirical device able to convey a particular idea of the cognitive process based on empiricism
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 571-589
Etichette: Comico, Leopardi Giacomo, Paralipomeni,
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Il romanzo a variazioni
Edizioni: Mimesis, Milano – 2019
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 591-594
Recensore/i: Thomas Pavel
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Franco Fortini e la poesia europea. Riscritture di autorialità
Edizioni: Quodibet, Macerata – 2021
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 595-598
Recensore/i: Paola Quadrelli