Strumenti critici | 2020 | N. 153

Anno 2020 – 2 – Annata: XXXV – N. 153 Mese: maggio-agosto
A cura di Federica Bellei

Autore/i articolo: Luciano Formisano
Titolo articolo: Per Pierro e Contini

The recent publication of Gianfranco Contini’s critical pages on Albino Pierro and the correspondence exchanged between the two of them for nearly twenty years solicit a few considerations on the maieutic role played by the critic in the evolution of Pierro’s dialect poetry. This article also examines how Contini’s studies attracted linguists and philologists to Pierro’s works, which thus built up a special niche readership in the context of twentieth-century Italian poetry.

Lingua: Italiano
Etichette: Dialetto, Poesia, Albino Pierro, Gianfranco Contini,

Autore/i articolo: Guido Lucchini
Titolo articolo: Il filologo e l’editore. Note sul carteggio Contini-Einaudi

This article examines the letters exchanged between Gianfranco Contini and his publisher Giulio Einaudi by piecing together their relationship from the late Thirties (from the edition of Dante’s Rime) to the end of the Eighties (Contini died in 1990). The core of the correspondence is the “Nuova Raccolta di classici italiani annotatiµ, the collection under the direction of Contini from 1953 till his death. The scholar and the publisher did not always agree on the choice of the texts in that Contini selected rare and singular literary works while Einaudi preferred the most famous classics of Italian literature. Contini’s influence on the Einaudi publishing house was also remarkable in the field of linguistics, but the project of a new collection did not take off as proved by important documents.

Lingua: Italiano
Etichette: Critica letteraria, Linguistica, Gianfranco Contini, Giulio Einaudi, Nuova raccolta di classici italiani annotati,

Autore/i articolo: Stefano Lazzarin
Titolo articolo: Alle origini della «Comédie Humaine»: i luoghi perturbanti nella Parigi di Balzac

In nineteenth-century literature, uncanny buildings and shabby neighbourhoods are often to be found in bourgeois or luxurious urban areas, following a topos that situates the real and the unreal, the known and the unknown, the ordinary and the supernatural next to each other. This article examines some examples of this topos in La Comédie Humaine by exploring its connections with Balzac’s poetic choices.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 241-264
Etichette: Honoré de Balzac, Comédie Humaine, Parigi

Autore/i articolo: Nicolò Rossi
Titolo articolo: La peste, i segni, le prove. Testori da Manzoni a Carlo Borromeo, e ritorno

Giovanni Testori started working on I Promessi sposi alla prova in 1982 a few months after he began the composition of the novel In Exitu; his collection of articles La maestà della vita was also published the same year. Although in different ways, these three works deal with the theme of plague and tackle a prominent figure such as the archbishop of Milan Carlo Borromeo (1538-1584). This essay examines the connections between these works and traces the reasons for Testori’s rewriting of Alessandro Manzoni’s novel The Betrothed by analyzing his 1965 preface to Carlo Borromeo’s Memoriale ai milanesi (written after the plague in 1576-77) and his unpublished play La peste di Milano (1975).

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 265-288
Etichette: Peste, Alessandro Manzoni, Carlo Borromeo, Giovanni Testori, I promessi sposi, La peste di Milano,

Autore/i articolo: Arnaldo Di Benedetto
Titolo articolo: Attraversare la cultura del Settecento con Andrea Battistini

Andrea Battistini’s recently published book (2019) offers a wealth of knowledge on eighteenth-century major figures and literary works as well as historical and cultural contexts. This article highlights the connections between the essays in the volume and the core ideas behind it. Battistini portrays the Italian eighteenth century as the century of innovative erudition, philosophical renewal, and Enlightment rationalism. The studies in the book also point out the changing aesthetic taste, the new conception of childhood, and the eagerness for a sociopolitical regeneration.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 289-301
Etichette: Cultura, Estetica, Illuminismo, Letteratura, XVIII secolo, Andrea Battistini,

Autore/i articolo: Nadia Ebani
Titolo articolo: Sull’inno «La poesia» di Giovanni Pascoli

Through an intertextual web of references to the opening lines of Gabriele d’Annunzio’s Canto novo, Giovanni Pascoli begins the programmatic ode of the Canti di Castelvecchio, entitled La poesia, with the figure of speech of prosopopeia. This connects the poem not only to the votive epigrams in the Palatine Antology, but also and above all to the tradition of the evangelical prosopopeia (‘Io sono la luce del mondo’) and to the Johannine antithesis between the sun’s light and that of the lamp.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 303-311
Etichette: Analisi metrica, Giovanni Pascoli,

Autore/i articolo: Riccardo Antonangeli
Titolo articolo: Enigma, straniamento ed equivoco. I primi anni del secondo dopoguerra e la narrazione del nemico fascista

This article investigates a series of narrative devices enabled by fascist characters in texts such as La luna e i falò by Cesare Pavese (1950), Ultimo viene il corvo by Italo Calvino (1949), Un eroe del nostro tempo by Vasco Pratolini (1947) and Il prete bello by Goffredo Parise (1954). From a rhetorical perspective, the fascist villain is like an enigma, the trope that Aristotle in his Poetics and Rhetoric defined as a hidden simile that provides insight, pleasure and perspicuity to the readers by giving them the stimulation of an unusual combination of words and metaphors.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 313-334
Etichette: Fascismo, Neorealismo, Romanzo,

Autore/i articolo: Roberto Silva
Titolo articolo: Per una lettura iconologica della “Sala dei Giganti” di Lattanzio Gambara (1572-1573) a Parma

The essay offers a new iconological interpretation of the allegorical frescoes in the “Sala dei Gigantiµ painted by Lattanzio Gambara which represent the Spanish victory over the Ottoman Turks at Lepanto and present complex mythological and philosophical references. The work was commissioned by the owner of the palace Mons. Antonio Lalatta and shows deep connections with Neoplatonic philosophy; it is indeed aimed at rethinking political justice through the involvement of institutions, society, and individual people.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 335-361
Etichette: Filosofia, Giustizia, Pittura, Parma

Autore/i articolo: Valerio Lucchesi
Titolo articolo: Schede su «Luì» di Giancarlo Consonni

Leading from beauty to truth, from feeling to thought, is part of the possibilities of poetry. Texts must have an intrinsic beauty although this is not enough: poetry is also an event in which the reader actively participates. The textual analysis of Luì (Turin, Einaudi, 2003) highlights the peculiar ways in which all these possibilities can come to fruition: a broken syntax; an enigmatic and allusive dictation; a calibrated use of omission; silences at the service of conciseness and power; images capable of evoking wonder and mystery; a sudden juxtaposition of harsh and delicate tones, of irony and melancholy. A sense of trepid solidarity towards living beings pervades the entire composition.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 363-380
Etichette: Analisi metrica, Stile, Giancarlo Consonni, Luì,

Autore/i libro/articolo recensito: Anna Maria Montanari
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Cleopatra in Italian and English Renaissance Drama
Edizioni: Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam – 2019
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 381-384
Recensore/i: Giuliana Bendelli

Autore/i libro/articolo recensito: Edoardo Esposito
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Con altra voce. La traduzione letteraria tra le due guerre
Pag. 385-387
Recensore/i: Antonio Bibbò