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Strumenti critici | 2020 | N. 152
Anno 2020 – 1 – Annata: XXXV – N. 152 Mese: gennaio-aprile
Numero monografico: Mario Praz’s Legacy: On Comparative Literature Today
A cura di Federica Bellei
Titolo articolo: Premessa
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 5-7
Titolo articolo: Mario Praz, Metaphysics: T.S. Eliot, Montale, and De Chirico
The essay discusses Mario Praz’s theoretical reflection on seventeenth-century metaphysical poetry, Montale’s and Eliot’s parallel poetics in Ossi di Seppia and The Waste Land, on the background of Giorgio De Chirico’s metaphysical painting and the corresponding theoretical reflection.
Lingua: InglesePag. 9-22
Etichette: Metafisica, Eugenio Montale, Giorgio De Chirico, Mario Praz, T.S. Eliot,
Titolo articolo: Thematic Criticism from a Different Point of View
It took several decades for literary critics to fully realize the importance of the methodological innovations introduced by Mario Praz with La carne, la morte e il diavolo nella letteratura romantica (The Romantic Agony). This article proposes a reinterpretation from the contemporary point of view, then examining the subsequent development of thematic criticism, until a very recent re-proposal.
Lingua: InglesePag. 23-38
Etichette: Mario Praz, La carne la morte e il diavolo,
Titolo articolo: «Secreti travasi»: una poesia per Praz
The author recalls how the reading of Mario Praz’s ground-breaking study La carne, la morte e il diavolo (1930) has impacted his life and deeply influenced his own research on the Italian Nobel Laureate poet Eugenio Montale
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 39-41
Etichette: Poesia, Eugenio Montale, Mario Praz,
Titolo articolo: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man: Reading Mario Praz’s Early Production. The Case of «Ifigenia»
This essay provides an overview of the unpublished youthful production of Mario Praz. This contribution mostly focuses on the text Ifigenia, a short poem set in the underworld and centred on two female figures: Iphigenia and Helen of Troy.
Lingua: InglesePag. 44-54
Etichette: Archivio, Manoscritto, Mitologia, Mario Praz,
Titolo articolo: Sul cominciare e finire dei romanzi
This article addresses a number of issues regarding the characteristics of the beginnings and endings of novels. A survey ranging from classical rhetoric to contemporary studies, with the addition of a more pragmatic approach to the subject, makes it possible to identify links between the ancient rules of opening and concluding orations and the conventions used by writers in novels which reflect our anthropological mindset.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 55-72
Etichette: Retorica, Teoria della letteratura,
Titolo articolo: Nicchie di mistero. Franco Vaccari, la traccia, il passaggio
At the 1972 Venice Biennale, Franco Vaccari, one of the foremost artists of Conceptual Art, realised a formidably powerful, strikingly expressive event, titled Leave on the Walls a Photographic Trace of Your Fleeting Visit. Through an examination of the photo-book the artist drew from this perfect “exhibition in real timeµ, this essay aims to outline a few of the many possible paths that may be taken between psychoanalysis, philosophy, art criticism, and narratology. In this visual and narrative enterprise, set up by an exceptionally well read and cultured author, the issues of divided subjectivity, narcissism and melancholy, as well as the death of the author and of the father, dominate to the point of being ineluctable.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 73-106
Etichette: Fotografia, Narcisismo, Padre, Franco Vaccari,
Titolo articolo: Da «Novella 1a» a «Novella 3a». Percorsi sommersi della narrativa di Gadda tra gli anni ’20 e ’30
This article examines three short stories Carlo Emilio Gadda composed between the late 1920s and the mid-1930s and he referred to with the enigmatic serial numbers Novella 1a, Novella 2a, and Novella 3a. The examination of previously unexplored manuscripts makes it possible to analyse the texts’ genesis and mutual connections. The first short story was published with the title La Madonna dei filosofi in 1928 and shows strong ties with both Gadda’s philosophical studies and Racconto italiano di ignoto del novecento (his first attempt at writing a novel in 1924-’25). The second text, Dejanira Classis, was released only in 1971, two years before the author’s death, and draws inspiration from a court case which took place in 1928. The third short story Il fidanzato di Rumy is only tentatively drafted and still remains unpublished. By imitating closely certain aspects of George Meredith’s novel The Egoist (1879), it humorously portrays a self-involved and oppressive man and his unhappy fiancé who is eager to run away from him.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 107-133
Etichette: Archivio, Filosofia, Manoscritto, Narrativa, Carlo Emilio Gadda, George Meredith, Leibniz, La Madonna dei filosofi,
Titolo articolo: Dall’infans alla lingua-omega: Zanzotto, Joyce
For Andrea Zanzotto the absolute Babelian freedom of Finnegans Wake represents a threat, but at the same time a seduction. In the end, it brings to light a feeling of anxiety that has been evident from the very beginning of Zanzotto’s activity as a critic. The key to this polarity is a reversibility paradox: at the top of the Joycean verbal utopia, at the very core of his supreme wordplay and explosive “chaosmosµ, barbarian “entrailsµ are indeed emerging, and the repressed inarticulateness of language comes back again.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 135-158
Etichette: Critica letteraria, Dialetto, Poesia, Traduzione, Andrea Zanzotto, Artaud, James Joyce, Mallarmé, Finnegans Wake,
Titolo articolo: Quale forma di beatitudine? La rosa dantesca e le ricostruzioni geometriche del regno celeste
This article explores representations of the celestial kingdom preceding Dante’s Paradiso. It focuses on a disputed question by the minor friar Bartolomeo da Bologna (c. 1270), who outlined eighteen possible ‘structures’, or forms, of the triumphant Church, in accordance with the laws of geometry and optics.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 159-181
Etichette: Ottica, XIV secolo, Bartolomeo da Bologna, Dante: Commedia,
Titolo articolo: I molti tesori di una ‘Grotta di Alì Babà’
This article highlights the many themes tackled by Fausto Petrella’s recent book, L’ascolto e l’ostacolo. Psicoanalisi e musica (Milan, Jaca Book, 2019), with particular reference to the relationship between music and psychoanalysis, literature and visual arts.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 183-191
Etichette: Arte, Musica, Psicoanalisi, Fausto Petrella,
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Perifrasi del concetto di fame. La lingua segreta dei prigionieri italiani nella Grande guerra
Edizioni: Il Saggiatore, Milano – 2019
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 193-197
Recensore/i: Guido Lucchini