Le riviste sostenitrici
Strumenti critici | 2019 | N. 1
Anno 2019 – Annata: XXXIV – N. 1 Mese: gennaio-aprile
A cura di Federica Bellei
Titolo articolo: Per d’Arco Silvio Avalle, «Le forme del canto»
This collection of essays on medieval poetic metres, edited by Maria Sofia Lannutti following the arrangement conceived by its author, confirms the importance of d’Arco Silvio Avalle’s metrical studies. Key issues are the relationship between metrical structure and music in the texts dating back to the origin of romance literatures, the multi-perspective complexity of the approach, and the exemplarity of the methodology used.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 3-30
Etichette: d’Arco Silvio Avalle, Le forme del canto, Ideologia, Metodologia della critica, Testo, Novecento, Duemila,
Titolo articolo: Mario Praz to Posterity
The article is a re-examination of Mario Praz’s inheritance in literary criticism, with a particular eye to his standing in comparative studies. Several of his essays are discussed to this end, in particular ‘Per i posteri’ and ‘La scoperta del paesaggio’, besides two chapters from “The Romantic Agony” (with the indication of Petrarch’s and Yeats’s absence in them), and one from “The House of Life”.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 31-50
Etichette: Praz Mario, Ottocento, Novecento,
Titolo articolo: Verso lo “stordimento d’animo”: meraviglia e stupore in Dante
In his poetry Dante describes a journey into a full universe of wonder, the latter understood in its widest sense, in which bewildered curiosity merges with unsettling perplexity, awe and his love for truth. From the early “Vita nuova” to the very last instants of his beatific vision in the “Commedia”, wonder marks each and every stage of Dante’s penetration of God’s creation as well as of his journey to Beatrice and it is linked to the experience of human and divine beauty and knowledge. Dante’s itinerary in the “Commedia”, a repeated experience of surprise, wonder and astonishment, culminates in a “supreme instant of wonder” in “Paradiso” XXXIII that magnifies to the furthermost limit the echo of the “Convivio” ‘s ‘stordimento d’animo’.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 51-76
Etichette: Dante, Vita nuova, Convivio, Commedia, Spettacolo, Trecento,
Titolo articolo: Non farfalle soltanto. Quel che vola nella poesia di Gozzano
The admiration for different forms of flight pervades Guido Gozzano’s poems and prose. As a collector and a poet-scientist, in “Epistole entomologiche” he describes aspects and habits of various kinds of butterflies. The flight is exalted in his pages: indeed, even a girl’s bicycle can fly and the graceful movement of a woman skating on the ice resembles a flight. The flights of birds alternate with those of insects: from the flight of the butterfly in the opening poem of “La via del rifugio” (1907, one of his latest poems) to that of a dove bewildered by the roar of the war to the royal eagle unintentionally shot by a soldier. Either visible or metaphorical, the flight is a leading idea of Gozzano’s inspiration.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 77-92
Etichette: Gozzano Guido, Poesia, Prosa, Metafora, Scienza, Ottocento, Novecento,
Titolo articolo: La poesia di Maria Clelia Cardona
This contribution aims to provide a linguistic analysis of the work by contemporary poet Maria Clelia Cardona, which stands out both for the technical and metric virtuosity that supports the construction of the texts and for the emotional impulse that pervades them.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 93-106
Etichette: Poesia, Cardona Maria Clelia, Novecento, Duemila,
Titolo articolo: Per «Quattro figlie ebbe e ciascuna regina» dell’«Adalgisa». Genesi e primo abbozzo inedito
“Quattro figlie ebbe e ciascuna regina” stands out from the other texts collected by Gadda in L’Adalgisa (1944) as it is not derived from a previous narrative context and is likely to have been written for the purpose of being included in the collection. This essay reconstructs and illustrates its textual history from its genesis to the final version, focusing in particular on the first, hitherto unpublished draft.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 107-126
Etichette: Gadda Carlo Emilio, L’Adalgisa, Satira, Inedito, Ottocento, Novecento,
Titolo articolo: Tra musica e romanzo: il leitmotiv nell’opera di Milan Kundera
The study of the way in which a novel can seize a musical principle like the leitmotif makes it possible to understand the different relationship between shape and content that defines the two arts. In this article, the study is based on an example from the work of Milan Kundera.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 127-134
Etichette: Musica, Kundera Milan, Romanzo, Novecento, Duemila,
Edizioni: De Gruyter, Berlin-Boston – 2018
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 135-139
Recensore/i: Giuliana Adamo
Etichette: Petrarca Francesco, Boccaccio Giovanni, Trecento,
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: La verità sfacciata: studi sulla poesia di Giuseppe Gioachino Belli
Edizioni: Luca edizioni, Massa – 2017
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 140-142
Recensore/i: Pietro Gibellini
Etichette: Belli Giuseppe Gioachino, Settecento, Ottocento, Poesia,
A cura di: Georgia Fioroni
Edizioni: Pensa Multimedia, Lecce-Brescia – 2016
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 143-144
Recensore/i: Gabriella Palli Baroni
Etichette: Novecento, Sereni Vittorio,
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: La traversata del Gobi
Edizioni: Nino Aragno, Torino – 2017
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 145-148
Recensore/i: Luciano Cecchinel
Etichette: Gobi,