Le riviste sostenitrici
Strumenti critici | 2018 | N. 3
Anno 2018 – Annata: XXXIII – N. 3 Mese: settembre-dicembre
A cura di Federica Bellei
Titolo articolo: Traduzioni e ri-circolazioni del «Finnegans Wake»
Far from being untranslatable, the extraordinary features of “Finnegans Wake”, its puns, myths and intertwined languages, become increasingly accessible as they are encoded into other languages and cultural systems. As also proved by Terrinoni and Pedone’s current effort, each translation, including Joyce’s self-translation, has concurred in disclosing – and re-circulating – newer figments of the semantic potential of this modern universal history.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 445-458
Etichette: Traduzione, Mitologia, Finnegans Wake, Joyce, Punning, Ottocento, Novecento,
Titolo articolo: Il paesaggio posseduto e perduto: Giani Stuparich e il Carso
The aim of this paper is to analyze and discuss the role of Giani Stuparich’s home soil in his war memoir “Guerra del ’15” (1931); the evolving, slippery, once familiar countryside surrounding his hometown Trieste provokes and reflects the disillusionment of a young patriot now facing the misery of life and death in WW1 trenches.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 459-476
Etichette: Prima guerra mondiale, Giani Stuparich, Guerra del ’15, Carso, Trieste, Novecento,
Titolo articolo: Malinconia e «stile del futuro» in «Invecchiare: problema per artisti» di Gottfried Benn
This article aims to outline a portrait of the old Gottfried Benn as well as some aspects of his late style on the base of his conference “Altern als Problem für Künstler” (1954) which epitomizes all the aesthetic and poetological questions upon which the ancient poet was reflecting, such as the tragic nature of the artist’s destiny, the degenerate nature of the artist and the fundamental opposition between the artist and the “cultural officer”.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 477-496
Etichette: Benn Gottfried, Creatività, Stile, Ottocento, Novecento,
Titolo articolo: La tigre e il ragno. Percorsi intertestuali tra i «Quaderni di Serafino Gubbio operatore» di Pirandello e «Al di là del bene e del male» di Friedrich Nietzsche
The essay aims to document the influence of Friedrich Nietzsche’s “Jenseits von Gut und Böde” (1886) on Luigi Pirandello’s “Quaderni di Serafino Gubbio operatore” (1915; 1925). Through the intertextual comparison, an attempt will be made to elaborate on the reading of some key themes and symbols in the novel with reference to Nietzsche’s thought about nature, cruelty and civilization.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 497-516
Etichette: Pirandello Luigi, Quaderni di Serafino Gubbio operatore, Nietzsche Friedrich, Janseits von Gut und Bode, Intertestualità, Ottocento, Novecento,
Titolo articolo: La letteratura tra «demenza» e «incantesimo». Rileggendo il «Discorso dell’ombra e dello stemma»
Stimulated by the new edition of the “Discorso dell’ombra e dello stemma” edited by Salvatore Silvano Nigro, this article briefly deals with the Giorgio Manganelli’s conception of literature, and focuses on the main linguistic and stylistic characteristics of his writing.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 517-532
Etichette: Manganelli Giorgio, Discorso dell’ombra e dello stemma, Letteratura, Retorica, Novecento,
Titolo articolo: Una lettera inedita di Francesco Torraca a Gioacchino Volpe
The letter here edited of Francesco Torraca, an important scholar of the Italian literature and especially of Dante, to the young Gioacchino Volpe, one of the most distiguished Italian historian in the twentieth century, concern the work “Studi sulle istituzioni comunali a Pisa” (1902). The content is interesting for the relationship between history and criticism.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 533-544
Etichette: Torraca Francesco, Volpe Gioacchino, Medioevo Critica stilistica, Critica sociologica, Critica storica, Ottocento, Novecento,
Titolo articolo: Comisso e il chiasmo
The essay aims to tackle the characteristics of the Giovanni Comisso’s «simple style». The style appears rich in rethorical figures and artifices (which are either typical of the group of writers of the literary movement «La Voce» or related to his personal «idiolect»). His prose is calibrated between elements of impressionism and narration.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 545-558
Etichette: Comisso Giovanni, Giorni di guerra, Ottocento, Novecento,
Titolo articolo: L’essere umano e il suo destino. Sulla «Veranda» di Salvatore Satta
This article aims to analyze the representation of the human being in Salvatore Satta’s “La veranda”, his first literary work. For this purpose, special attention will be given to the description of characters as animals and the annulment of their names. Morever, the examination of this theme will be useful to understand the whole text and its connection with the author’s masterpiece “Il giorno del giudizio”.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 559-574
Etichette: Satta Salvatore, La veranda, Il giorno del guidizio, Onomastica, Novecento,