Strumenti critici | 2018 | N. 2

Anno 2018 – Annata: XXXIII – N. 2 Mese: Maggio-agosto
A cura di Federica Bellei

Titolo articolo: La ribellione vana e inevitabile di Alfonso Nitti

The essay focuses on the protagonist of Italo Svevo’s novel “Una vita”. Although Alfonso Nitti has always been considered an ‘inetto’, someone inept (“Un inetto” was indeed the original title of the novel), this article aims to define him as a rebel who tries to take over Maller’s power by seducing and then abandoning Annetta. Such an interpretation is grounded on the fact that the hero of “Una vita” is an employee who needs to destroy his structural anonymity.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 273-294
Etichette: Svevo Italo, Una vita, Modernismo,,

Autore/i articolo: FRANCESCO VENTURI
Titolo articolo: «Il mio scarso fiato di epistolografo». Primi sondaggi sulle lettere di Gadda a Carlo Bo (con un’appendice di lettere inedite)

The essay examines the eighty-five unpublished letters sent between 1934 and 1968 from Carlo Emilio Gadda to the eminent literary critic and translator Carlo Bo. The epistolary exchange documents the keen attention that they held for each other’s work and activities in the thirties and early forties. Most notably, through Bo’s studies and encouragement, Gadda became acquainted with a number of French and Spanish literary works. He was in close contact with Bo and asked for his advice when he planned to translate authors such as Rabelais and Vicente Espinel into Italian. Additionally, Bo’s critical remarks on Gadda’s idiosyncratic and polemical writing style are frequently discussed within their correspondence and were given great consideration by Gadda. The annotated edition of eight particularly significant letters is provided in the final part of the essay.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 295-326
Etichette: Carlo Emilio Gadda, Carlo Bo, Epistolario, Traduzione, Inedito, Rabelais, Critica letteraria,

Autore/i articolo: ALBA ANDREINI
Titolo articolo: Fotogrammi dell’amicizia di Lalla Romano con Italo Calvino: dai carteggi della casa editrice Einaudi

The essay focuses on the most salient moments of the personal and professional relationship between Lalla Romano and Italo Calvino by examining their published and unpublished correspondence held at the publishing house Einaudi and at the Centro Studi Lalla Romano.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 327-340
Etichette: Lalla Romano, italo Calvino, Archivi Einaudi, Epistolario,

Autore/i articolo: ELENA ARNONE
Titolo articolo: Dall’Archivio Lalla Romano. Ricognizioni genetiche e prime considerazioni critiche sulla vicenda testuale di «Maria»

The genesis of Lalla Romano’s novel Maria (1953) was complex and discontinuous, as documented by a large amount of drafts held at Lalla Romano Archive (Biblioteca Brera of Milan). The first and most significant step was the bipartite tale “Le Storie di Maria”, rejected by the publishing house Einaudi in 1946. This article focuses on the novel’s editorial history (through the corrispondence between the author and the editors Cesare Pavese and Natalia Ginzburg), the features of the original tale as well as its evolution into the unitary structure of the novel.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 341-358
Etichette: Lalla Romano, Maria, Le storie di Maria,

Autore/i articolo: GUIDO LUCCHINI
Titolo articolo: Appunti sul carteggio Cian-Dionisotti

The essay examines the correspondence between two remarkable Italian scholars, Vittorio Cian and his disciple Carlo Dionisotti. The letters span two decades from 1930 to 1951 and thus represent a crucial document of Italian politcs as well as literary criticism in the first half of the twentieth century.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 359-372
Etichette: Vittorio Cian, Carlo Dionisotti, Epistolario, Critica letteraria, Politica,

Autore/i articolo: FEDERICO FRANCUCCI
Titolo articolo: Innervazioni. Walter Benjamin e la macchina da scrivere

It is well known that Walter Benjamin did not love typewriters. Using a mechanic tool for writing was too far from his passion for the slow, methodical work of the hand. Nonetheless, in a short text included in “One-way street”, Benjamin not only does not speak openly against the typewriter, but he also uses a strange word to define the relation between the machine and the human fingers: the word ‘innervation’. Following the paths of that word in Benjamin’s work, this essay attempts to connect the typewriter with the theory of the hand and of the gesture elaborated by the philosopher.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 373-394
Etichette: Walter Benjamin, Letteratura, Rivoluzione,

Autore/i articolo: CARMEN DELL’AVERSANO
Titolo articolo: «Positioning theory» e critica letteraria

Positioning theory has been recognized as a productive methodology in the social sciences for almost twenty years. This paper aims to connect it with literary criticism and hermeneutics in two ways. The first part of the paper presents and exemplifies a methodology for the application of positioning theory to the analysis and interpretation of literary texts. The second explores a number of ways in which concepts and tools from literary analysis could be used to make the application of positioning theory in the social sciences more rigorous and more informative.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 395-416
Etichette: Teoria della letteratura, Critica letteraria, Letteratura, Linguistica, Scienze sociali,

Autore/i libro/articolo recensito: PAOLO CHERCHI
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Il tramonto dell’onestade
Edizioni: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, ROMA – 2016
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 417-419
Recensore/i: Giuliana Adamo

Autore/i libro/articolo recensito: MASSIMO RIZZANTE
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Il geografo e il viaggiatore
Edizioni: Effigie, MILANO – 2017
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 420-423
Recensore/i: Alessandro Gazzoli

Autore/i libro/articolo recensito: STEFANO ERCOLINO
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Il romanzo-saggio 1884-1947
Edizioni: Bompiani, Milano – 2017
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 429-428
Recensore/i: Salvatore Renna

Autore/i libro/articolo recensito: E.M. MELETINSKIJ
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Archetipi letterari, ed. italiana a cura di M. Bonafin
Edizioni: Eum, Macerata – 2016
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 429-436
Recensore/i: Andrea Ghidoni