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Strumenti critici | 2017 | N. 1
Anno 2017 – Annata: XXXII – N. 1 Mese: Gennaio-Aprile
A cura di Federica Bellei
Titolo articolo: «In zona partigiana (senza fare l’eroe)». Giorgio Caproni nella Resistenza
The essay reconstructs Giorgio Caproni’s partisan experience in Val Trebbia by aligning the various stages of his personal history which would lay at the core of his future poetic vocation and discourse. In an attempt to place data and facts in a secure framework of historical and topographical references, the essay makes use of a wide range of writings, studies, memories, and unpublished documents.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 3-26
Etichette: Giorgio Caproni, Resistenza, Val Trebbia,
Titolo articolo: Un addendo extratestuale per «La cognizione del dolore»: la sfida di una messa in scena
The essay examines diverse aspects of an interesting and daring recent theatrical adaptation of Carlo Emilia Gadda’s novel “La cognizione del dolore” (Milan, Out Off, 2014). Important features of Gadda’s work are explored in relation to its theatrical rendering, most notably the novel’s poetic style and incompleteness as well as the characters’ relationships and conflicts.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 27-46
Etichette: C.E. Gadda, La cognizione del dolore, Teatro, Poetica, Stile,
Titolo articolo: Cecchinel o il canto della pietà: fisionomia di «Perché ancora»
This essay analyses different aspects of the poetry book “Perché ancora” written in Italian by Luciano Cecchinel on the loving memory of a few victims tortured and killed by Nazis and Fascists at the end of World War II in the area of his native village Revine Lago.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 47-54
Etichette: Stile, Metrica,
Titolo articolo: Costanti metrico-sintattiche del primo Caproni (da «Come un’allegoria» a «Finzioni»)
This essay aims to describe the evolution of Giorgio Caproni’s style through the analysis of the variant readings of his texts, and to define his special position in the Italian poetry of the 1930s. The metrics and the syntax change as the themes and the historical context do, and the variants testify the poet’s attempt to find a stronger cohesion and maturity, as well as his approach to the closed forms and the tradition.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 55-104
Etichette: Giorgio Caproni, Metrica, Stile,
Titolo articolo: L’ultimo Parnaso. Lo spettro delle arti attraverso il romanzo
Through various examples taken from works by contemporary novelists (Milan Kundera, Robert Musil, and Dubravka Ugrei´c) and by making reference to critics such as Mikhail Bakhtin and Cornelius Castoriadis, this essay explores the different ways in which the novel can speculate about art.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 105-118
Etichette: Milan Kundera, Romanzo,
A cura di: PAOLO SODDU
Edizioni: OLSCHKI, FIRENZE – 2015
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 119-125
Recensore/i: Guido Lucchini
Etichette: Einaudi Giulio, Editoria, Novecento, Italia,
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Caro Umberto, Sergio carissimo. Gramsci, comunismo e religione nelle lettere tra Sergio Atzeni e Umberto Cardia
Edizioni: CUEC, CAGLIARI – 2015
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 126-128
Recensore/i: Giuliana Adamo
Etichette: Comunismo, Religione,