Le riviste sostenitrici
Rivista internazionale di studi leopardiani | 2018 | N. 11
Anno 2018 – N. 11
Numero monografico: Giacomo Leopardi e l’esperienza del sensibile
A cura di Stefano Bragato
Titolo articolo: Giacomo Leopardi e l’esperienza del sensibile: prefazione
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 5-6
Etichette: Leopardi Giacomo,
Titolo articolo: Fonosfera degli antichi e dei moderni nei Canti. Per una storia dei suoni nella poesia leopardiana: Palinodia al Marchese Gino Capponi
The acoustic world appearing in Leopardi’s poetry is represented by a few natural or ancient sounds as old as the human world. There is nevertheless an exception: Palinode to Marquis Gino Capponi. Indeed, Palinode is a farewell poem from a world and the prophecy to a new one. This is the epicedium of a cultural change advanced by its sonorities.
Keywords: Canti, Palinode, sounds, Ancient, Modern, satire, epicedium, prophecy
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 9-26
Etichette: XIX secolo, Leopardi Giacomo, Canti, Palinodie,
Titolo articolo: Fugacità e persistenza. Appunti sulla fenomenologia degli odori in Leopardi
Smell has mostly been considered by philosophers and scientists as a secondary way of perception, but its presence, by contrast, is well attested in literature. This essay pays attention to the patterning of the sense of smell in Leopardi’s works. Analyzed both from a philosophical and a poetical perspective, smell is considered to be an instrument of knowledge and bearer of memories and emotions.
Keywords: Leopardi, senses, smell, fragrance, inventive
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 27-50
Etichette: XIX secolo, Leopardi Giacomo,
Titolo articolo: I paradossi della sensibilità nello Zibaldone e nelle Operette morali di Giacomo Leopardi
In Leopardi’s work the link between sentience and his theory of pleasure means that both the ever-changing nature of pleasure and the contradictory nature of desire determine the effects of some sensitive experiences. Their paradoxical status induces Leopardi to refer to them in terms that show an oxymoronic value and that reveal the deep antinomy of the desire for pleasure.
Keywords: Sentience, pleasure, desire, contradiction, paradox.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 51-78
Etichette: XIX secolo, Leopardi Giacomo, Operette morali, Zibaldone,
Titolo articolo: “Sentire infinitamente”. Tra Leopardi e Husserl: la sensibilità come conoscenza ragionevole
Phenomenology understands emotions as intentional acts directed to the world and a specific kind of meanings, i.e. values, essential in helping us navigating reality, although prepredicatively. I focus on an analysis of the concept of sensazione, strictly related to that of sensibilità, in the Zibaldone, for it is clearly related to the philosophical tradition of Empiricism and Sensism, which played such a crucial role in Leopardi’s formation. However, by applying the phenomenological notion of emotional knowledge, I show how Leopardi’s sensazione originally overcomes the empiricist and sensationalist reduction of sensation to sensory perception and the dualism that this reduction inevitably engenders. Leopardi’s concept of sensazione (and its close relative, sensibilità) is therefore explained as an emotional act intending crucial values to the author, namely, piacere and happiness.
Keywords: Phenomenology, sensibilità, Zibaldone, emotions, empiricism, sensism.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 79-102
Etichette: XIX secolo, Leopardi Giacomo,
Titolo articolo: «Per movimento intendo anche tutto quello che spetta alla parola»: Leopardi e la lirica del contatto
Leopardi’s literary criticism endeavours a firmly concrete and sensitive lexicon. Based on a selection of aesthetical and poetical reflexions from the Zibaldone, the article analyses the use in literary criticism of semantic and metaphorical fields related to the concepts of contact and movement. This will reconstruct the poetic project of both a physical and sensitive connection with the reader.
Keywords: Poetry, modernity, nature, aesthetics, contact, movement.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 103-126
Etichette: XIX secolo, Leopardi Giacomo, Zibaldone,
Titolo articolo: Corpo sano e Corpo malato. Tra medicina, antropologia e biopolitica
The essay studies the relationship between medicine, anthropology and biopolitics in Leopardi, focusing on the Zibaldone, the privileged seat of Leopardi’s thought. The research discusses Leopardi’s reflection on the illness, weakness and delicacy of the body in civilized peoples, who have distanced themselves from nature, and presents the medical culture of Leopardi, with the attention of Hippocrates and Celso, and the knowledge provided by the medical friends Puccinotti and Tommasini.
Keywords: Leopardi’s philosophy, medicine, delicacy, health, civilization.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 127-160
Etichette: Corpo, Malattia, XIX secolo, Ippocrate, Leopardi Giacomo, Zibaldone,
Titolo articolo: Leopardi tra piaceri dei sensi e piaceri dell’immaginazione
Leopardi absorbs some of the principal ideas of Sensism, but he shifts the focus onto the psychological significance of sensory perception; its impact on the subject becomes the source of his ideas on poetics. While considering the data provided by sensoriality as the starting point of every operation of the soul, he conceives the senses mainly as instruments through which to defend the role of imagination threatened by the “empire of reason” towards which modern civilization is heading.
Keywords: Sensism, pleasure, imagination, sight, hearing.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 161-197
Etichette: XIX secolo, Leopardi Giacomo,
Titolo articolo: Un progetto di enciclopedia leopardiana
The essay outlines the historical development of the encyclopedic genre in modern Western cultures by focusing especially on the definition of the Authorial Encyclopedia. It then explores the attitude of Giacomo Leopardi towards the universal encyclopedic knowledge and his use of enciclopedic handbooks. It finally shares with the scientific community, which should be involved in its realization, the project of an online open access encyclopedia dedicated to Giacomo Leopardi.
Keywords: Leopardi, Encyclopedia, Authorial Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 199-221
Etichette: Enciclopedia, XIX secolo, Leopardi Giacomo,