Giornale storico della letteratura italiana | 2021 | N. 663

Anno 2021 – Annata: CXXXVIII – N. 663
A cura di Barbara Manfellotto

Autore/i articolo: Giovanna Rizzarelli
Titolo articolo: «Liber ex machina». Lettori-paladini nell’‘Inamoramento de Orlando

This article aims to reconstruct the ways in which the act of reading is
depicted in Inamoramento del Orlando. It highlights and comments on some
passages in Boiardo’s epic poem in which reading plays a key role in driving
forward the narration. Reading scenes and spellbooks emerge in various cantos, each assuming the true role of deus ex machina for the plot development.
This is especially apparent in the magic scenes in which the Count of Scandiano gives reading a central role, thereby enabling the two most important
characters, Orlando and Ranaldo, to face and understand the rules governing
the supernatural worlds.
The depictions of reading have a strong meta-reflective function as well.
In their process of learning to read, Orlando and Ranaldo each portray a
different type of reader and offer an opportunity to reflect upon the various
ways of approaching the epic poem. Lastly, the portrayal of the two paladins
as readers helps to offer a clearer picture of the role of reading as well as the
complementary nature of the two characters within Boiardo’s world.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 321-323
Etichette: Poesia epica, XIV secolo, XV secolo, Matteo Maria Boiardo, Inamoramento de Orlando,

Autore/i articolo: Simone Forlesi
Titolo articolo: «Nel processo del leggere». Immagini della lettura nelle ‘Novelle’ bandelliane

This essay examines the various ways in which reading is depicted in
Matteo Bandello’s Novelle. There are, in fact, various examples of well-read
women and scenes dedicated to reading aloud present in Part 1 of his novellas; it is a composite space in which the conventional praise offered to
the addressee in the dedicatory letter that precedes each novella intertwines
with the context of the novella, its vibrant depiction of the courtly world and
the metaliterary reflections of the author. The act of reading serves not only
as a narrative device around which the courtly conversation revolves, but it
also allows for a dialectical interaction between the text, the reader and the
group of listeners, and thus represents an important tool for grasping the
intertextual references, the range of sources and the topoi which Bandello
looked to when writing the Novelle.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 324-353
Etichette: Novella, XVI secolo, Matteo Bandello, Novelle,

Autore/i articolo: Beatrice Stasi
Titolo articolo: «Pubblico risolutamente il romanzo come sta»: tre lettere inedite di Svevo e il finale della ‘Coscienza di Zeno’

Of the three previously unpublished letters written by Svevo contained
in the “Fondo Bino Binazzi” collection of the Primo Conti Foundation, the
most important is undoubtedly the one dated 15 February 1923 addressed to
Attilio Frescura, the writer and journalist assigned to proofread La coscienza di Zeno before its publication. Not only does the letter demonstrate that
Svevo did not accept the changes suggested by the proofreader regarding
the ending of the novel, but it also gives cause for a thorough re-evaluation
of the relationship that the writer had with his own language and with those
detractors bent on fomenting the idea of a lack of confidence and subsequent
acquiescence on Svevo’s part regarding the revisions that were often proposed to him. With its references to Zola and Freud and the all-too-clear announcement of Zeno’s responsibility in Guido’s business failings and consequent suicide, the letter sheds a clear light on some of the cultural reference
points that inspired the novel and the intentionally ambiguous psychological
dynamics at work within the novel. The two other partially unpublished letters, both written in 1926, are addressed to Bino Binazzi, thanking him for having spoken about Coscienza. Some references made in the second letter
(undated) collocate his decision to adopt the pseudonym Italo Svevo to the
period of his own awareness of his difetti [defects]; such a decision, precisely
because it was made early on, thereby implicitly marks the author’s autonomous judgement with respect to the criticism waged against him following
the publication of his novels.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 354-392
Etichette: Coscienza, Epistolario, Narrativa, XIX secolo, XX secolo, Bino Binazzi, Emilio Frescura, Svevo Italo, La coscienza di Zeno,

Autore/i articolo: Raffaele Cesaro
Titolo articolo: Un volgarizzamento in terza rima del colloquio tra Didone e Anna (‘Aen’. IV, 1-55)

These pages contain the first published edition of La reina, con grave
fiamma incesa, a vernacular dialogue in Dantesque terza rima between Dido
and her sister Anna based on Book IV of the Aeneid (vv. 1-55). The work
exists in just one late-14th century manuscript (MS II.IV.248) housed at the
Biblioteca Nazionale in Florence, and it is the first in a series of four texts
present in the manuscript that comprise four distinct moments in the broader context of deprecatio amoris. The decision made by this anonymous author
to reinterpret the tragic story of Dido and Aeneas using the vernacular and
terza rima reflects a choice previously implemented by Alberto della Piagentina for his vernacular edition of Boethius’ De consolatione (1322-1332), the
highest auctoritas on the elegiac style. Thus, the text in question is of particular interest in relation to developments in the 14th century vernacular elegy
before it came to be codified as a genre in its own right

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 415-432
Etichette: Volgarizzamento, I secolo a.C., XIV secolo, XV secolo, Virgilio, Eneide,

Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Das Streitgedicht im Mittelalter
A cura di: örg O. Fichte, Peter Stotz, Sebastian Neumeister, Roger Friedlein, Franziska Wenzel e Holger Runow.
Edizioni: Hirzel Verlag , Stuttgard – 2019
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 434-449
Recensore/i: Franco Suitner
Etichette: Antologia, Poesia, XIV secolo, XV secolo,

Autore/i articolo: Angelo Fabrizi
Titolo articolo: Le ‘Delizie del Genio’. Una iniziativa ignorata di Anton Giuseppe Pagani

L’A. rende conto del contenuto dei cinque volumi di operette italiane e straniere stampate dal 1797 al 1800 da Anton Giuseppe Pagani.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 450-453
Etichette: Poesia, XIX secolo, XVIII secolo, Anton Giuseppe Pagani, Delizie del genio,

Autore/i libro/articolo recensito: Domenico Cavalca
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Volgarizzamento degli ‘Atti degli Apostoli
A cura di: Attilio Cicchella
Edizioni: Edizioni della Crusca, Firenze – 2019
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 454-459
Recensore/i: Andrea Giraudo
Etichette: Edizione critica, XIII secolo, XIV secolo, Domenico Cavalca da Vicopisano, Volgarizzamento degli ‘Atti degli Apostoli’,

Autore/i libro/articolo recensito: Tobia Toscano
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: La tradizione delle rime di Sannazaro e altri saggi sul Cinquecento
Edizioni: Loffredo, Napoli – 2019
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 454-458
Recensore/i: Giacomo Vagni
Etichette: Poesia, Poesia lirica, XV secolo, XVI secolo, Jacopo Sannazaro, Vittoria Colonna, Rime,

Autore/i libro/articolo recensito: Lodovico Antonio Muratori
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Carteggi con Lazzari… Luzan
A cura di: Maria Lieber, Daniela Gianaroli
Edizioni: Olschki, Firenze – 2020
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 462-467
Recensore/i: Franco Arato
Etichette: Epistolario, XIX secolo, XVIII secolo, Lodovico Antonio Muratori,

Autore/i libro/articolo recensito: Girolamo Comi
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Poesie. ‘Spirito d’armonia’, ‘Canto per Eva’, ‘Fra lacrime e preghiere’
A cura di: Antonio Lucio Giannone e Simone Giorgino
Edizioni: Musicaos, Lecce – 2019
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 467-470
Recensore/i: Marco Leone
Etichette: Poesia, XIX secolo, XX secolo, Girolamo Comi,

Autore/i libro/articolo recensito: Giorgio Caproni-Vittorio Sereni
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Carteggio 1947-1983
A cura di: Giuliana Di Febo-Severo
Edizioni: Olschki, Firenze – 2019
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 470-474
Recensore/i: Mario Pozzi
Etichette: Carteggio, XIX secolo, XX secolo, Giorgio Caproni, Vittorio Sereni,