Le riviste sostenitrici
Giornale storico della letteratura italiana | 2021 | N. 662
Anno 2021 – Annata: CXXXVIII – N. 662
A cura di Barbara Manfellotto
Titolo articolo: Un’amicizia reticente. Della Casa e Vettori tra la ‘Vita Gasparis Contareni’ e la ‘Dissertatio adversus P. P. Vergerium’
This article focuses on the roles shared by Giovanni Della Casa and Piero
Vettori in writing Vita Gasparis Contareni. Commissioned by the heirs of the
Venetian cardinal, Vita kept Della Casa occupied from 1554 until he moved
to Rome in June 1555. However, he never managed to complete the work,
due in part to the limited opportunity to publish such a biography under
Pope Paul IV (born Carafa), together with an urgent need to respond – by
means of his vehement Dissertatio adversus Petrum Paulum Vergerium – to
the renewed attacks on his own moral conduct. Indeed, it was only after his
death that the work would be completed by the very same Vettori. Though
Vita tends to be reticent and silent on many issues, it does offer some veiled
criticism both of Florentine politics, accomplished through antiphrasis with
the Republic of Venice, and of the question of the Church’s spiritual renewal,
while at the same time defending Contarini from accusations of heterodoxy.
Regarding the issue of apostasy and the possibility of a cultural dialogue with
German humanists, the Dissertatio follows a line not unlike that adopted by
Vettori, who in turn, while refusing to make any concessions regarding the
question of faith, keeps the channels open with various German erudites
who were inspired by different religious beliefs.
Pag. 161-197
Etichette: Biografia, Religione, Trattato, XVI secolo, Giovanni Della Casa, Piero Vettori, Dissertatio adversus P. P. Vergerium, ‘Vita Gasparis Contareni,
Titolo articolo: «Studiare i classici». Apuleio nei capitoli xx e xxi dei ‘Promessi sposi’
As with many other classical works, Apuleius’s Metamorphoses (also
known as The Golden Ass) was not well-received by the Romantics, and such
a position is demonstrated by Pietro Borsieri’s 1819 review in Conciliatore
of the publication of Firenzuola’s vernacular edition of the work by a Milanese publisher. While Manzoni, in his Lettera sul Romanticismo, rejected the
‘imitation’ of Greek and Latin authors, he nevertheless encouraged writers to
‘study’ their works, thereby demonstrating a different opinion with respect
to that of his peers. The ironic references to classical mythology that emerge
in various pages of the Promessi Sposi are also to be found in Apuleius’ work.
However, an even more prominent reference emerges in the description of
Lucia’s abduction at the hands of the Unnamed in chapters XX and XXI,
and in particular in the character of the old woman whose duty it is to keep
watch over Lucia. This article analyses the connection between this part of Promessi Sposi and the Latin source (even more pertinent than any link with
Scott’s Ivanhoe), underlining the importance of a tie that has not yet been
fully acknowledged by scholars.
Pag. 198-224
Etichette: Intertestualità, Narrativa, Romanzo storico, XIX secolo, XVIII secolo, Alessandro Manzoni, Apuleio, Metamorfosi, Promessi Sposi,
Titolo articolo: Un adespoto sonetto sulla ‘Commedia’ nel codice Grumelli di Bergamo
The Grumelli manuscript, housed at the Civica Biblioteca in Bergamo
(drawer 6.1), is the only witness of the second edition of Alberico da Rosciate’s commentary on the Divine Comedy, and it contains an unsigned sonnet dedicated not to the poet, but oddly enough to the commentator. After providing a more general overview of texts written in honour of Dante
or in memory of his work which are to be found within the commentaries
themselves, this article offers a transcription of the above-mentioned sonnet,
together with a brief analysis aimed at retracing the various intertextual connections and the most common borrowings from Dante.
Pag. 225-240
Etichette: Poesia, XIII secolo, XIV secolo, Dante Alighieri, La Divina Commedia,
Titolo articolo: Un altro fantasma di meno: le lettere di Lorenzo Moschi a Francesco di Marco Datini
This article draws on two recent discoveries that shed light on a little known 14th century Florentine poet, Lorenzo Moschi. One is a signed
document dated 1375 present in a Laurenziano manuscript, and the other
includes five letters contained in the “Fondo Datini” collection of the Archivio di Stato in Prato, all addressed to the renowned merchant Francesco
di Marco Datini in 1386 and signed ‘Lorenzo Moschi in Napoli’. After providing well-documented socio-historical background details and a palaeographical note (the latter indicating that the signature present in the 1375
codex and the letters from 1386 are all written in the same hand), the article
offers a critical edition of the letters and includes an investigation into their
contents by comparing them with coaeval texts from the same archive. This
is followed by an extensive linguistic and stylistic analysis, together with a
glossary, aimed at highlighting the structural, syntactical and lexical features
typical of business correspondence.
Pag. 241-275
Etichette: Carteggio, XIV secolo, Francesco di Marco Datini, Lorenzo Moschi,
A cura di: Angelo Fabrizi
Edizioni: Aracne editrice, Roma – 2019
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 276-282
Recensore/i: Vincenza Perdichizzi
Etichette: Edizione critica, Tragedia, XIX secolo, XVIII secolo, Lovanio Rossi, Vittorio Alfieri,
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Studi machiavelliani
Edizioni: Polistampa, Firenze – 2018
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 285-292
Recensore/i: Anna Maria Cabrini
Etichette: Politica, Trattato, XVI secolo, Nicolò Machiavelli,
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Le opere. Tomo I. Vita nuova – Le rime della vita nuova e altre rime del tempo della Vita Nuova; Tomo II. Le rime della maturità e dell’esilio
A cura di: Donato Pirovano e Marco Grimaldi
Edizioni: Salerno Editrice, Roma – 2015-2019
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 293-299
Recensore/i: Mario Pozzi
Etichette: Poesia, Poesia lirica, XIII secolo, XIV secolo, Dante Alighieri, Rime, Vita Nuova,
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Firenze Nuova Roma. Arte retorica e impegno civile nelle miscellanee di prose del primo Rinascimento
Edizioni: Franco Cesati Editore, Firenze – 2019
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 299-301
Recensore/i: Valerio Cellai
Etichette: Filologia, Rinascimento, Umanesimo, XVI secolo,
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: L’Italia dal 1914 al 1918. Pagine sulla guerra
A cura di: Carlo Nitsch
Edizioni: Biblopolis, Napoli – 2018
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 301-307
Recensore/i: Mario Pozzi
Etichette: XIX secolo, XX secolo, Benedetto Croce, Pagine sulla guerra, Taccuini di lavoro,
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Saba, Trieste, il calcio. Capricci e divagazioni sulle Cinque poesie per il gioco del calcio
Edizioni: Bibliopolis, Macerata – 2019
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 307-310
Recensore/i: Lorenzo Tommasini
Etichette: Poesia, XIX secolo, XX secolo, Umberto Saba,
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Il mio Carso
A cura di: Roberto Norbedo
Edizioni: Pàtron, Bologna – 2019
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 311-312
Recensore/i: Stefano Carrai
Etichette: Edizione critica, Guerra, Poesia, XIX secolo, XX secolo, Scipio Slataper, Il mio Carso,