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Giornale storico della letteratura italiana | 2020 | N. 659
Anno 2020 – Annata: CXXXVII – N. 659
A cura di Barbara Manfellotto
Titolo articolo: La trave e la pagliuzza a Corte. Il primo «Furioso» tra Orazio ed Erasmo
The article proposes that the source of the editorial explicit of the 1516
Orlando furioso is to be found in Erasmus’s Adagia, published by Giovanni
Mazzocchi del Bondeno in 1514, and suggests that the publisher’s workshop functioned as an intellectual laboratory for the elaboration of Ariosto’s
poem, in the name of the engagement between humanistic culture and Christian spirituality.
Pag. 321-331
Etichette: Letteratura cavalleresca, Satira, I secolo a.C., XV secolo, XVI secolo, Ludovico Ariosto, Orazio, Orlando furioso, Satire, Sermones,
Titolo articolo: Quasi ad verbum: problemi di traduzione nei «Discorsi» di Machiavelli
This article offers a case study on the translation of Ab urbe condita in
Machiavelli’s Discorsi [Discourses on Livy]. The study focuses on two syntagmata in particular – “guardia della libertà” [protector of freedom] and “legge dell’ambizione” [the law of ambition] – in order to reveal how Machiavelli’s rendering of these two terms taken from Roman legal language is bent
not simply on conveying the meaning of the original, but rather as an argumentative tool aimed at redirecting the historical narrative. It is proposed
that Machiavelli intends Livy’s words as thought bites which though taken
from ancient times can also help to understand contemporary history (e.g.
the plebeian tribune as a key to understanding some of the Gonfalonier’s
prerogatives). The study thus aims to show how from the first chapter of the
work dedicated to a commentary on Livy’s writings, the Discorsi establish a
dynamic relationship with the source, one that is more interested in transferring some of the concepts to the current political sphere than in providing a
philologically accurate rendering of them.
Pag. 332-351
Etichette: Traduzione, Trattato, I secolo, I secolo a.C., XV secolo, XVI secolo, Nicolò Machiavelli, Tito Livio, Ab urbe condita, Discorsi sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio,
Titolo articolo: L’«Johann Caspar Goethe» di Johann Caspar Goethe
Between February and August 1740 Johann Caspar Goethe, the future
father of the great poet made a journey to Italy. From Italy he then travelled
to France. The fashion of taking the European Grand Tour had been in existence for several decades. Rich, large and elegant travel guides contained
advice on the routes to follow and the places to see. Johann C. Goethe went
as far as Naples and Paestum; it was advised to venture no further south.
In 1752 Goethe the elder began writing, in Italian, Viaggio per l’Italia, on
which he worked until 1771. The work was intended for home use, and it
was known to Johann Wolfgang when he came to write his Italienische Reise.To his appreciation for the natural and artistic beauties of Italy the elder
Goethe added some admonishments, already included in travel guides: that
the Italians subject travellers to various types of hoaxes. In addition, at the
end of the XIX century, Vernon Lee wrote that, in the preceding century,
English tourists were considered by the Italians «a fit prey for innkeepers
and ciceroni».
Pag. 352-362
Etichette: Letteratura di viaggio, Letteratura epistolare, XVIII secolo, Johann Caspar Goethe, Viaggio per l'Italia,
Titolo articolo: 1814-1835. La «Biblioteca Italiana» e gli altri. Gli intellettuali italiani tra identità nazionale e controllo politico
An analysis of the correspondence between a number of figures connected in various capacities to the «Biblioteca Italiana» shows how the vicissitudes surrounding the periodical were representative of the vast scene
that witnessed the rebirth of a national identity and the attempt to relaunch
Italian culture in this light. Such a process had its origins at the end of the
18th century and extended into the mid-19th century, when the cultural battle waged by the Enlightenment generation yielded to the armed struggle for
Italian independence. The main key to interpreting the events is through the
recognition of a vast and unified entourage of moderate liberal intellectuals educated in the final years of the 18th century who resisted the constant
changes of power and remained active until the 1830s.
Pag. 363-396
Etichette: Carteggio, Epistolario, Politica, XIX secolo, Giovanni Dall’Armi a, Giuseppe Acerbi, Teodoro Monticelli, Vincenzo Monti, Biblioteca italiana,
Titolo articolo: «A Silvia». Una nota ossianica
Adopting both a philological and comparative approach, this article is
the first to propose Cesarotti’s translation of the Ossianic poems as a possible source for the opening of Leopardi’s poem A Silvia. The analysis is
divided into two parts, the first of which surveys current trends in studies
dedicated to the Ossian-Leopardi connection, including a reconstruction
of the historical context and an analysis of Leopardi’s aesthetic and critical
observations regarding the Ossianic poems. The second part focuses on the
above-mentioned source of inspiration for Leopardi, demonstrating that the
impact of Cesarotti’s translation outweighed (or was at least of equal bearing
to) that of Petrarch.
Pag. 397-407
Etichette: Poesia, XIX secolo, XVIII secolo, Leopardi Giacomo, Melchiorre Cesarotti, A Silvia, Canti di Ossian, Discorso di un italiano intorno alla poesia romantica,
Titolo articolo: Eretici e ghibellini. Su «Inferno X» e altro
Though it has already received widespread attention from critics, Canto
X of Dante’s Inferno can also be interpreted in different ways that link it to
other parts of the Commedia and to other aspects of mediaeval culture. Such
is the case with Epicurus and the Epicureans, who represent the key doctrinal feature of the canto, focusing on how atheism rejects the immortality of
the human soul. Farinata plays a central role in eliciting this, backed up by
Frederick II, both of whom were active in the historical period of infighting
and the eclipse of the Ghibellines. Countering this Ghibelline perspective,
the presence of the Guelf Guido Cavalcante represents the other side of the
battlefield, infused with hatred and like other atheists unable to grasp the
transcendental design towering over the fratricidal conflict. Although Guido
is cited in the canto, no mention is made of his Averroistic beliefs, thereby significantly excluding all the anti-Avverroistic arguments that emerge in other parts of the Commedia. In fact, in Dante’s thinking, Avveroism is never
directly tied to heresy, so while it is a topic of discussion and almost always is
subject to reproof, it is not associated with moral deviance or sin.
Pag. 408-438
Etichette: Eresia, Poesia, XIII secolo, XIV secolo, Dante Alighieri, Epicuro, Farinata degli Uberti, Guido Cavalcanti, Divina Commedia, Inferno,
Titolo articolo: Alberico da Rosciate e il ‘genus comoediarum’
This article focuses on the definition of genus comoediarum provided by
Alberico da Rosciate in his commentary on Dante’s Divine Comedy. In the
introduction to the first canticle, in particular, the critic translates Iacomo
della Lana’s commentary into Latin and adds some interesting annotations
regarding the origins of the comedy genre, based on sources both judicial
(from the Digestum to Accursius’ Glossa) and literary. After a detailed examination of the texts in question and a comparison with other contemporary
writings from a lexical perspective as well, this article proposes an analysis
of the role of the comoedi, those narrative poems performed by alternating
singing voices which were still widespread in the mid 14th century «maxime
in partibus Lombardie», i.e. especially in the Lombardy region.
Pag. 439-451
Etichette: Commedia, Commento, Poesia, Tragedia, XV secolo, Alberico da Rosciate, Dante Alighieri, Divina Commedia, Inferno,
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: De expeditione in Turchos
A cura di: Gabriella Albanese e Paolo Pontari
Edizioni: Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medio Evo («Edizione Nazionale delle Opere di Biondo Flavio», 6), Roma – 2018
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 452-454
Recensore/i: Stefano U. Baldassarri
Etichette: Trattato, XV secolo, XVI secolo, Blondus Flavius, De expeditione in Turchos,
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Svelare e rigenerare. Studi sulla lingua e sulla cultura del Settecento
A cura di: Andrea Cristiani e Francesco Ferretti
Edizioni: Bononia University Press, Bologna – 2019
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 454-459
Recensore/i: Paolo Cherchi
Etichette: Autobiografia, Letteratura, Narrativa, Scienza, XIX secolo, XVII secolo, XVIII secolo, Appiano Buonafede, Aurelio Bertola, Giambattista Vico, Viaggio sul Reno, Vita,
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Epistolario, II, 1897-1901
A cura di: Gabriella Biagi Ravenni e Dieter Schickling
Edizioni: Olschki (Edizione Nazionale delle Opere di Giacomo Puccini), Firenze – 2018
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 459-464
Recensore/i: Mario Pozzi
Etichette: Carteggio, Epistolario, XIX secolo, XX secolo, Giacomo Puccini,
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Alcyone
A cura di: Pietro Gibellini
Edizioni: Marsilio (Esperia – G. D’Annunzio, Le opere, edizione nazionale), Venezia – 2018
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 464-467
Recensore/i: Mario Pozzi
Etichette: Edizione critica, Poesia, XIX secolo, XX secolo, Gabriele d'Annunzio, Alcyone,