Le riviste sostenitrici
Giornale storico della letteratura italiana | 2018 | N. 650
Anno 2018 – Annata: CXXXV – N. 650
A cura di Barbara Manfellotto
Titolo articolo: Insegnare l’italiano nell’università e nella scuola
This is a transcript of Luca Serianni’s final university lecture prior to his
retirement. It focuses on his lifetime achievements, in which his study of the
Italian language was always closely connected to his commitment to the university as a state institution. References are continually made to his masters’
teachings, the attention dedicated to his students and to his pupils intent
on pursuing their studies, and to the developments in the education system
and in teaching methodologies. In so doing, he likens the role of professor
to that of a civil servant, stressing the importance of viewing students as fully
fledged citizens.
Pag. 161-178
Etichette: Italianistica, XXI secolo,
Titolo articolo: Le donne illustri di Faustina Maratti Zappi
Among the themes treated in the poems of Faustina Maratti Zappi, also
known by her Arcadian name Aglauro Cidonia, that of ancient heroines enjoyed a particular favour among critics of the 18th- and 19th centuries, and
her sonnets on illustrious women of Rome have for a long time been considered the foremost examples of her work. Based on the discovery of the autograph manuscript by Maratti, this article expands the series of nine already
known sonnets (Virginia, Claudia, Arria, Tuzia, Vetturia, Porzia, Lucrezia,
Cornelia and Ortensia) to include a previously unpublished poem devoted to
Clelia. The study also provides further details regarding the supposed set of
four sonnets on ancient queens mentioned in an exchange of letters between
the poet and Paolo Rolli, expanding the already known triplet (Artemisia,
Semiramide and Tomiri) to include a sonnet dedicated to Cleopatra, already
painted by her father Carlo Maratti. From a careful scrutiny of this correspondence it emerges that the bestselling edition of Maratti’s poems from
1723, which would go on with its fifteen editions to serve as the most popular
source for the modern edition still in circulation, was in fact an unauthorised
version. The autograph in question, mentioned here for the first time, constitutes a more reliable source on which to base a critical edition, which is
currently under preparation by the author of this article.
Pag. 179-214
Etichette: Agiografia, Donne, Poesia lirica, XIX secolo, XVIII secolo,
Titolo articolo: Puccini scrittore in prosa e in versi. Una lettura del primo libro dell’Epistolario di Giacomo Puccini (II)
Puccini loved to play with words on every scale, be it through poetry,
macaronic texts, various forms of prose or newly coined words. Thanks to the publication of the first volume of his letters, it is now possible to analyse the various features of such writings, and while they may not be of the
highest quality, they are not simple pastimes either. In short, they comprise
the language of a world all his own, like the one he built in Torre del Lago.
The article begins with a general overview of Puccini’s language, followed by
a systematic analysis of his playful letters. Though such an endeavour may
seem rather unscholarly, it is only by keeping the words closely tied to their
context that we can capture the feelings and sentiments lurking behind his
odd linguistic concoctions. In particular, it helps to bring to light the torments of a figure who was constantly seeking authenticity, one who loved
the countryside and nature and thus found it difficult to adapt to what he
considered to be the false and deceptive mores of city life.
Pag. 216-257
Etichette: Epistolario, XIX secolo,
Titolo articolo: Lettere inedite di Elio Vittorini negli archivi svizzeri (1942-51)
This article examines the ties that Elio Vittorini had with various German intellectuals and publishers during World War II. Of central importance among these figures is Werner Haftmann, who until 1940 was chief
assistant of the German Art History Institute in Florence and subsequently
translated Conversazione in Sicilia [Conversations in Sicily] for Steinberg
Verlag in Zurich. A file housed at the Swiss Federal Archives in Bern contains correspondence between Vittorini and Selma Steinberg, who together
with her sister managed the family publishing house. The letters shed light
on their relationship, as well as on other events, such as the Italian translation
of Hemingway’s For Whom the Bell Tolls and the dispute with Silone fomented by the Swiss press and then assuaged by Franco Fortini. The appendix contains further correspondence from the University of Milan’s Vittorini
Archive, including letters from Vittorini to Selma Steinberg, as well as those
to Federico Hindermann, the translator of Vittorini’s works into German.
Pag. 257-286
Etichette: Epistolario, XX secolo, Svizzera
Titolo articolo: Due note landiane
Nel contributo sono offerti due nuovi elementi di studio significativi ai fini dell’approfondimento dell’opera e della biografia di Ortensio Lando attraverso la pubblicazione e il commento di due testi: una lettera datata 1543 di Alessandro Zerbinati al duca di Ferrara, fratello del cardinale Ippolito II d’Este, e un documento portato alla luce da E. William Monter, che apporta nuovi spunti al problema irrisolto dell’identificazione tra Lando e Giorgio Filarete detto il Turchetto.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 287-291
Etichette: Filosofia, XVI secolo, Giorgio Filalete, Ortensio Lando,
Titolo articolo: Un frammento leopardiano presso la Biblioteca Civica di Rovereto
Pubblicazione e commento di un breve frammento autografo di Giacomo Leopardi databile intorno ai primi mesi del 1816, vergato sia sul recto che sul verso, con alcune annotazioni recanti in linea di massima autori, titoli e passi di opere. Il nome più ricorrente è quello dell’oratore latino Frontone.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 292-300
Etichette: Autografo, Epistolario, XIX secolo,
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Leggere il Canzoniere
Edizioni: Il Mulino, Bologna – 2017
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 301-305
Recensore/i: Monica Marchi
Etichette: Letteratura delle origini, Letteratura in volgare, Poesia, Poesia lirica, XIV secolo, Francesco Petrarca, Canzoniere,
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Nell’arte narrativa di Giovanni Boccaccio
Edizioni: Olschki, Firenze – 2017
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 305-308
Recensore/i: Antonio Ferracin
Etichette: Narrativa, XIV secolo, Giovanni Boccaccio,
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Spositione a XXIX canti dell’ Inferno
A cura di: Vera Ribaudo
Edizioni: Salerno Editrice , Roma – 2017
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 308-313
Recensore/i: Donato Pirovano
Etichette: Commento, Poesia, XIII secolo, XVI secolo, Dante Alighieri, Lodovico Castelvetro, Divina Commedia, Inferno,