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Documenta | 2023 | N. 6
Anno 2023 – N. 6
A cura di Paolo Perilli
Titolo articolo: La formazione professionale dei notai nei primi decenni del secolo XIII
The professional training of notaries at the beginning of the 13th century · The practice of notarial activity in Bologna, as in the entire Kingdom of Italy, required apprenticeship under an active notary and appointment by the imperial authority. In Bologna, the aspiring notary could follow instruction in the University’s Faculty of Arts. This instruction, traditionally accredited to Irnerio, stands as the genesis of a codex dated at the beginning of the 13th century, printed in 1892 as Formularium Tabellionum. In 1216, Ranieri da Perugia, a young master of Arts, wrote his own Liber Formularius, which displayed significant innovation when compared to previous texts.
Based on the Azone Teaching, Ranieri assigned greater importance to the distinction between dominium directum (property) and dominium utile (emphyteusis). Moreover, he proposed templates for notaries to follow when writing deeds for city courts. The attention to this particular activity is confirmed by the commentary with which Ranieri himself integrated the text of the Liber formularius during his lectures. The commentary is found in a codex of Liber, H.v.29, preserved in Siena. From this commentary, which has now been thoroughly analyzed for the first time, it is possible to see that Ranieri had grasped the great possibilities of employment and prestige offered to the notaries through the development of judicial activity in Italian city-States.
Pag. 9-19
Etichette: XIII secolo, Ranieri da Perugia,
Titolo articolo: Nell’ombra dei più antichi. Breve storia dell’archivio dei Notai di Chiavari
In the shadow of the ancients: short history of the archive of the Notai di Chiavari · The archive of the Notai di Chiavari is a still little-known fund that has not enjoyed much historiographical fortune. The present essay investigates its archival history.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 21-28
Etichette: Chiavari,
Titolo articolo: Lavoro, mobilità, popolamento: politiche di gestione dei flussi migratori a Bologna nei secoli XIV-XV
In the late Middle Ages the public institutions in several places actively mobilize in the search for specialized craftsmen who allowed the flowering or the implantation ex novo of new industries. These relocations became constant objects of legislative provisions produced by governments and by guilds, which were both interested in increasing their technological progress. In some cases cities lost numerous skilled labor, with a strong and fierce opposition to labor mobility, other times they sought to attract and divert these flows into their urban spaces. These movements of workers were actually irregular and, sometimes, they even ended in the return into the native city.
The arrival of foreign workers had significant impact on the demography and the economy in Bologna between the 14th and 15th centuries. Based on a large collection of archival documents, this thesis analyses the management of immigration carried out by the municipality.
Interventions aimed at attracting foreigners to Bologna, the places where they lived and the sources that allow us to know the extent and quality of the migrations to the city are at the centre of this analysis. With specific attention to the link between work and mobility, the essay seeks to grasp the role of the professional dimension in the allocation of non-indigenous groups in the urban fabric, fusing the internal point of view – of the public – and the external point of view – of forenses – into a single approach to a world with a multitude of experiences, some of which the survey tried to reconstruct.
Pag. 29-43
Etichette: Migrazione, XIV secolo, XV secolo,
Titolo articolo: «Ben abbrustolito e nero come un moro…»: antiche tradizioni dolciarie in alcune testimonianze d’area iblea
The contribution presents a series of archival testimonies on the confectionery and chocolate tradition in the Iblean area in the fifteenth-eighteenth centuries, analyzing the historical-archival context and the types of documents.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 45-72
Etichette: Sicilia
Titolo articolo: La rappresentazione grafica dello spazio a Ravenna (secoli XII-XIV): appunti per una ricerca
The research aims to investigate the perception of space in Ravenna between the 12th and 14th centuries starting from a 12th-century map recently found in the Archivio Storico Diocesano of Ravenna-Cervia. After having read the content of the representation, the analysis moves to maps from subsequent periods (13th-14th centuries) for a first reflection on the evolution of the « cartographic culture » in the Ravenna area. Two main aspects were the subject of investigation : the persistence of land surveying knowledge possibly used in the creation of the maps and the relationship between these ones and legal documents.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 73-90
Etichette: Cartografia, Territorio, Ravenna
Titolo articolo: «E per obviare a tanti omicidii … feno brusare dito libro deli nove». Prolegomeni all’edizione di una nuova fonte a riguardo della congiura contro Annibale Bentivoglio
A new documentary source about the Bentivoglio family has been found in the State Archive of Bologna. The hidden manuscript, namely the Libro dei Nove, reports the names and confessions of the conspirators against Annibale, murdered in 1445. The research on that source led to new significant considerations: the conspiracy conceived by the Canetoli family with the support of the Duke Visconti of Milan involved many people from the lower class of the Porta Stiera neighborhood. This plot was not a showdown within the oligarchy but it was a real coup. By studying this source, it was possible to map the conspirators involved in the clashes and understand the role of the oligarchy and the common people in the conspiracy. Once he came to power, Sante Bentivoglio ordered the Libro dei Nove to be burned, but it was never destroyed.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 91-102
Etichette: Rinascimento, Bentivoglio, Bologna, Milano
Titolo articolo: L’Oratio in die Circumcisionis dominicae di Bernardino López de Carvajal. Un esempio di oratoria sacra alla fine del Quattrocento
The aim of this research is to analyze The Oratio in die Circumcisionis dominicae delivered by Castilian theologian and future cardinal Bernardino López de Carvajal before Pope Sixtus IV in 1484 and printed in the same year by Stephen Plannck.
The central theme of the speech is Christ’s circumcision and name attribution. It is divided into three sections. The first deals with the necessity for Christ to submit to the Mosaic law ; the second relates to the non-circumcision by Christians, while the third is related to the subject of simulation, which gave rise to a dispute between the apostles Peter and Paul.
The sermon is particularly interesting because it testifies to the moment of transformation of sacred oratory: in fact, it belongs to the scholastic tradition but shows some new content, such as the focus on patristics and the Christological theme.
Pag. 103-114
Etichette: Umanesimo, XV secolo, Bernardino López de Carvajal,
Titolo articolo: La fotografia in archivio e gli archivi fotografici
The article addresses some issues relating to the relationship between the archive, the concept of photographic archive and the presence of photographs in the archive, attempting to analyze how this relationship has been considered recently as the emergence of ‘special materials’ in inside the archival records. By first examining the categories with which archivists and catalogers have approached the photographic phenomenon, the contribution tries to analyze how they are related to an often aestheticized and idealized domain of the photographic support. The final objective is to set up a reflection that tries to use archival categories as a tool for interpreting documentary phenomena, regardless of the support on which the documents are fixed, but which at the same time makes the peculiar characteristics of photography more legible.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 115-119
Etichette: Archivio, Fotografia,