Dante | 2018 | N. 15

Anno 2018 – Annata: XV – N. 15
A cura di Paolo Perilli

Autore/i articolo: Patrizia Di Patre
Titolo articolo: Dalla Monarchia di Dante al trattato machiavelliano sul Principe: un percorso obbligato

The purpose of this paper is to review a number of cues that, starting with Dante’s De Monarchia, remarkably influenced Machiavelli’s treatise De Principatibus. Ranging from the motif of the “tunica inconsutilis” about the important subject of unity (or concord) to the “abbassamento della Chiesa”, the debasement of the Church, an inescapable theme for both authors, to rhetorical resources, such as those associated with the literary work as part of an offering of sumptuous goods or the prophetic-sounding heart-felt warnings, an overview of the concordances (exhaustively developed in the text) shows that for Machiavelli Dante’s political treatise was an absolute, incontrovertible source of inspiration.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 11-28
Etichette: Politica, XVI secolo, Dante Alighieri, De Principatibus, Monarchia,

Autore/i articolo: Sebastiano Italia
Titolo articolo: L’ordine del cosmo. Dante, Avicenna, Alberto Magno (Paradiso II)

Nel Paradiso II Dante tenta di sostenere che le macchie lunari sono la dimostrazione della qualità essenziale e intrinseca del corpo celeste. Il poeta ha bisogno di partire dall’alto, dai principi universali: l’idea neoplatonica della virtù vivificante si irradia dall’alto verso il basso. Secondo Avicenna, tramandato da Alberto Magno, Dante cerca di raggiungere un accordo tra creazionismo ed emanazionismo: la ragione umana ha il compito di ristabilire l’ordine del cosmo.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 29-41
Etichette: Cosmo, XIV secolo, Dante Alighieri, La Divina Commedia,

Autore/i articolo: Jean-Charles Vegliante
Titolo articolo: Brevissima riflessione sul perdurare della forma in poesia (Inf. III, vv. 82-85)

Continuing reflections on the ‘translatio’, the contributor to this column studies the way in which the form of the Dantesque Poem is transmitted through several passages by other languages. In this case, by the English of D. L. Sayers and then S. Heaney, the French of J. Risset and then P. Hersant, Heaney’s translator. In the end, the translation of The Crossing (as Heaney’s poem) into French preserves the formal energy of a distant original passed through various versions, but powerful enough to survive.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 45-50
Etichette: Poesia, Ritmo, XIV secolo, Dante Alighieri,

Autore/i articolo: Paolo Bugliani
Titolo articolo: «An echo of thee in the North Wind sung»: John Keats tra i lussuriosi

Continuing reflections on the ‘translatio’, the contributor to this column studies the way in which the form of the Dantesque Poem is transmitted through several passages by other languages. In this case, by the English of D. L. Sayers and then S. Heaney, the French of J. Risset and then P. Hersant, Heaney’s translator. In the end, the translation of The Crossing (as Heaney’s poem) into French preserves the formal energy of a distant original passed through various versions, but powerful enough to survive.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 53-65
Etichette: Romanticismo, Traduzione, XIV secolo, XIX secolo, Dante Alighieri, John Keats,

Autore/i articolo: Valeria M. M. Traversi
Titolo articolo: «Una favilla sol de la tua gloria» (Par. XXXIII, v. 70): Dante e la lingua che parliamo

The essay deals with the complex theme of Dante’s language on two fronts: that of lexical heritage and that of the ethical value of words. In the first part, through a series of exempla, we examine some of the most famous legacies that the Poet has made to the Italian language, that is a series of images, similitudines, exclamations that make it rich and full of nuances, from the most popular to the most cultured levels; in the second part, through the vicissitudes of Ulysses and Francesca, the ethical question of language is highlighted, namely the responsibility and the consequences that words carry with them, also recalling a clamorous case of ideological manipulation made on Dante’s thought by the magazine «The defense of the race» during fascism.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 67-76
Etichette: Fascismo, Lingua italiana, Dante Alighieri,

Autore/i articolo: Daniele Maria Pegorari
Titolo articolo: «La pioggia continua converte in bozzacchioni le sosine vere»: sui rischi del dantismo ‘di massa’

After about twelve years of selection of scientific works for the section “Contemporary Dante”, the editor considers appropriate a balance of what has been done, but at the same time he warns against a probable negative drift of the studies on Dantesque tradition. The attention to the forms of the cultural industry (mass literature, cinema, television, ballet, philately, comics, songs, advertising, videogames) is necessary to the evaluation of the fortune of Dante in the contemporary society, but it risks emphasizing works of very modest aesthetic value and devoid of semantic fidelity towards the Divine Comedy; and above all it crushes the attention to works of great quality and complexity.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 77-81
Etichette: Dantismo, XIV secolo, Dante Alighieri,

Autore/i articolo: Giovanni Barberi Squarotti
Titolo articolo: The Rhetoric of Compassion: from Francesca to Ugolino

After about twelve years of selection of scientific works for the section “Contemporary Dante”, the editor considers appropriate a balance of what has been done, but at the same time he warns against a probable negative drift of the studies on Dantesque tradition. The attention to the forms of the cultural industry (mass literature, cinema, television, ballet, philately, comics, songs, advertising, videogames) is necessary to the evaluation of the fortune of Dante in the contemporary society, but it risks emphasizing works of very modest aesthetic value and devoid of semantic fidelity towards the Divine Comedy; and above all it crushes the attention to works of great quality and complexity.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 85-91
Etichette: XIV secolo, Dante Alighieri,

Autore/i articolo: Michelangelo Zaccarello
Titolo articolo: Nuove tessere d’archivio per rileggere la biografia dantesca (il periodo ravennate e la prima circolazione del poema)

Amongst many recent developments in Dante studies, the last two decades have brought about important acquisitions in documentary research, a traditionally weak sector that often relies on very old bibliography. After the publication of the Codice Diplomatico Dantesco (De Robertis, Regnicoli, Milani, Zamponi 2016), there has been a wodespread effort in the description and analysis of extant documents. Reflecting upon two essays by Gabriella Albanese and Paolo Pontari, this article aims to pinpoint how meaningful sinergies between archive findings and the interpretation and contextualization of Dante’s works can be, in the light of a deeper understanding of the Poet’s biography.

Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 93-100
Etichette: Biografia, XIV secolo, Dante Alighieri, Ravenna

Autore/i libro/articolo recensito: Nicolò Mineo
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Dante, dalla “mirabile visione” a “l’altro viaggio”, tra Vita Nova e Divina Commedia
Edizioni: Longo, Ravenna – 2016
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 103-104
Recensore/i: Martina Rosci
Etichette: Critica letteraria, XXI secolo, Dante Alighieri,

Autore/i libro/articolo recensito: Valentina Merla
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Papi che leggono Dante. La ricezione dantesca nel magistero pontificio da Leone XIII a Benedetto XVI
Edizioni: Stilo, Bari – 2018
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 104-110
Recensore/i: Francesco Ferrari
Etichette: Chiesa, Dantismo, Religione, XIV secolo, Dante Alighieri,

Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Dante pop. La Divina Commedia nella letteratura e nella cultura popolare contemporanea
A cura di: Stefano Lazzarin, Jérôme Dutel
Edizioni: Vecchiarelli, Roma – 2018
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 110-111
Recensore/i: Milena Contini
Etichette: Letteratura popolare, XIV secolo, XXI secolo, Dante Alighieri,