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Archivio d’Annunzio | 2023 | N. 10
Anno 2023 – N. 10
Numero monografico: Arte come natura/natura come arte
A cura di Gioele Cristofari
Titolo articolo: Introduzione
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 1-3
Titolo articolo: Il doppio sguardo sul paesaggio. D’Annunzio tra ecocritica e poesia
The essay aims to relate the term ‘ecocriticism’ to Gabriele d’Annunzio’s literary production in defence of the historical order of the city of Rome. Beginning with his journalistic activity in the 1980s, d’Annunzio denounced the cultural mediocrity of his time, and in his novel Vergini delle rocce, d’Annunzio compares the destruction of Roman monuments to the political decadence of contemporary society. The beloved places and spaces in and around the city are charged in the Elegie romane with values and sentiments as paysage de l’âme.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 7-25
Titolo articolo: «Io guardo la placida scena e dipingo». Visioni e cromatismi della natura in Primo vere (1880)
Considerably modified and enlarged compared to the 1879 print, the second edition of Primo Vere, the work of Gabriele d’Annunzio’s poetic debut, was published in 1880. This contribution focuses on it, which aims to offer an overview of the representation of nature in its chromatic, musical and olfactory aspects. Portrayed from life or fruit of the imagination, the landscape triumphs in its colouristic value and with its symphonic strength in the alternation of acute, hoarse, powerful or delicate sounds, which sometimes give way to the enchantments of silence or intertwine with the inebriation of fragrances and scents that cloak the atmosphere.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 27-42
Titolo articolo: Note per una lettura del paesaggio olfattivo in Terra vergine
The essay explores the meaning conveyed by the sense of smell in d’Annunzio’s first collection of novellas, Terra vergine (1882; 1884), paying particular attention to the synergies that arise between the smellscape, events and characters, in their dialectical confrontation with naturalistic and verist models, although already prepared to incorporate the mythical side.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 43-54
Titolo articolo: Un idillio dannunziano
The article aims to verify how the modern classic of 19th century Giacomo Leopardi has influenced d’Annunzio, with particular regard to the representation of nature. Traditionally, critical studies on d’Annunzio’s models have not recognised significant traces of ‘leopardismo’ in this author. The analysis of the poem Nox, in Primo vere, shows that the young d’Annunzio knew Leopardi’s works very well like a Cicognini School student had to do. It also proves that leopardian lection of Idylls is present in some d’Annunzio’s descriptions of natural landscapes, like lunar nights and quiet countryside. However, d’Annunzio never gave up his style, which was evident right from his early poetic stage.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 55-63
Titolo articolo: Il colore in Terra vergine di d’Annunzio: bibliografia critica e nuova proposta di lettura
The article offers a new figurative reading of Terra Vergine (1882), focusing attention on the colour of the sketches of d’Annunzio’s novels and retracing the critical bibliography, in order to outline the pictorial innovation, but without evading the prodromes in the poetic collections Primo vere (1879) and Canto novo (1882). In fact, they are important for demonstrating how d’Annunzio can be considered the architect of certain technical mechanisms typical of cinematography (even modern), capable of effectively conveying a sense of the ‘wonderful’ and the ‘sublime’.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 65-75
Titolo articolo: La casa, il bosco, il giardino. Lettura ecocritica del Sogno d’un mattino di primavera
Gabriele d’Annunzio made his debut as a playwright with Sogno d’un mattino di primavera, a symbolist work based on the figure of the protagonist, Isabella, who had gone mad after holding in her arms all night long her lover killed by her husband: now she feels like a vegetable creature, and she would like to blend in with the flowers in the garden and the plants in the woods. The essay shows that the three parts of the scene – the house, the garden and the wood – represent the place of confrontation and clash between the laws of men, which impose fidelity and forbid adultery, and the laws of nature, in which instinct and desire for free love dominate.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 77-90
Titolo articolo: «L’amante delle cose»: su natura, arte, scrittura nei Taccuini
The writing of the Taccuini expresses d’Annunzio’s tension to appropriate ‘things’, to decipher their language and to bring out their full-bodied evidence, achieving results comparable to the highest ones of his poetry. Starting from this persuasion, the present contribution highlights as the primary tool of this perceptive ability and of the poetics that is based on it is for the writer the body, which however in the transformations to which it is subject conditions and limits this ability and over time it loses it, precisely because of the particular visionary intensity that characterized it. It is a parable that must be read as internal to the biographical path of the writer (illness, old age), therefore interpreted without the ideological and moralistic conditioning that still weigh on a correct collocation and understanding of d’Annunzio’s experimentalism.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 91-102
Titolo articolo: D’Annunzio, Fedra e un volgarizzamento ovidiano
Through the study of the preparatory papers of d’Annunzio’s Phaedra preserved in the Archivio Privato del Vittoriale, the article aims to demonstrate the leading role of the medieval vulgarisation of Ovidian’s Metamorphoses by Arrigo Simintendi for the composition of the tragedy. Through a careful work of compulsion and auscultation of the fourteenth-century text, d’Annunzio recovers formal and lexical tesserae to build Phaedra’s hendecasyllables, to recreate congenial images, to provide the most appropriate sounds and musicality, and to suggest psychological insights through the comparison between his characters and the mythological archetypes dear to his theatre, of which Ovid’s masterpiece is an admirable compendium. Ultimately, the essay suggests that the influence of Simintendi’s vulgarization and the method of compulsion extends beyond the tragedy of 1909.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 105-122
Titolo articolo: Dal ‘grande scrittore’ al ‘generale imperialista’. La ricezione di d’Annunzio in Cina
In the second decade of the 20th century, d’Annunzio was introduced to Chinese readers primarily via Anglo-Saxon culture and received as much success as controversy. This article focuses on the reception of d’Annunzio in a specific group in China: the League of Left-Wing Writers, one of the most important Chinese literary associations, which was founded in 1930. Through the analysis of the social-historical context and Chinese literary field during that time, this paper explores the reasons for the initial acceptance of d’Annunzio by the Left-Wing group and for their change of attitude toward the Italian poet.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 123-138
Titolo articolo: «Vorrei essere l’Unica!». Lettere inedite di Olga Treves Ferraguti a Gabriele d’Annunzio
The essay reconstructs the relationship between Gabriele d’Annunzio and Olga Ferraguti Treves, the wife of the painter Arnaldo Ferraguti, through the unpublished letters sent by the woman to the writer. It is a relationship known so far only in its ‘public’ image, but the discovery of a hidden collection of letters in the Vittoriale archives allow it to be rewritten from a secret side, that of an intense, albeit fleeting, love story. In this sense the documents lead to redefining interesting details of d’Annunzio’s biography in the years 1902-03. A short anthology of the letters in question is published in the appendix.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 139-153
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: I motti di Gabriele d’Annunzio. Le fonti, la storia, i significati
Edizioni: Silvana editoriale, Milano – 2022
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 157-159
Recensore/i: Maria Belponer
Rivista: Sinestesie, fascicolo n. XXIV
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 161-165
Recensore/i: Alessio Arena
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: L’arcangelo caduto. Il misterioso infortunio del 1922 nelle parole dello scrittore
Edizioni: Ianieri, Pescara – 2022
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 167-170
Recensore/i: Elena Santagata