Le riviste sostenitrici
Archivio d’Annunzio | 2018 | N. 5
Anno 2018 – N. 5
A cura di Gioele Cristofari
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 5-6
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 7-8
Titolo articolo: Nuove gocciole dal bosco dannunziano. Altre presenze della Pioggia nel pineto nel Novecento e oltre
The paper revolves around the well-known topic of the parodic remake of La pioggia nel pineto. Some new and unexpected elements are added to this subject, going from literature to music, from Paolo Buzzi and Montale to Armando Gill and Jovanotti. More finely, La pioggia sulla Fiera, poem composed by Alberto Cavaliere (who also wrote the successful Chimica in versi, in 1921), where the Dannunzian rain is transferred to Milan, is taken into consideration. There, the rain pours down on the XXXV Fiera Campionaria’s opening ceremony (1957), at the same time shaking flags and soaking different authorities, which are mentioned in the poem – sometimes in rhyme – as parts of a sharp and brilliant divertissement.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 11-25
Titolo articolo: Di un amico avverso
D’Annunzio and De Lollis (both born in 1863 and in the same region) present, in their cultural journey, moments of contact and collaboration, especially in the early years, and contrasts and oppositions, mainly due to different artistic choices and general attitude that led De Lollis to strongly criticise the Poet. From the initial common collaborations with Roman newspapers, we arrive at the moment in which De Lollis moves against d’Annunzio’s art, which was no longer based on solid ethical principles as in the Carduccian lesson but was seen as a superficial and soul-less art, in the triumph of rhetoric. The decisive difference was revealed at the time Italy entered the war, when De Lollis openly criticised d’Annunzio’s position as soon as he returned from France.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 27-39
Titolo articolo: Croce vs d’Annunzio nel «Contributo alla critica di me stesso»
In Benedetto Croce’s autobiography, Contributo alla critica di me stesso, the name of Gabriele d’Annunzio seems to underline the cultural and moral difference between the philosopher and the writer. The present essay analyses this particular passage in Croce’s text as it develops within precise historical contingencies: the writing of the Contributo is dated between April and May 1915, that is, precisely at the time of Italy’s entry World War 1, while d’Annunzio animates and excites the so-called ‘maggio radioso’.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 41-49
Titolo articolo: Pirandello vs d’Annunzio
This essay analyses the critical hatred shown by Pirandello against d’Annunzio. And especially in the private letters sent to his beloved actress, the hostility maintains all his aversion, although in public the relationship has been transformed into collaboration, during the staging of the Figlia di Iorio in 1934. And yet, the Pirandellian work reveals withdrawals from the d’Annunzian one.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 51-59
Titolo articolo: «Figlio di una turbina e di d’Annunzio»: Marinetti edipico?
From the 1900s to the 1930s Marinetti’s attitude towards d’Annunzio gradually changed from blame to unconditional praise. The steps of this evolution and the reasons behind it emerge from an analysis of a number of Marinetti’s texts dealing with d’Annunzio’s life and works. In his early French writings (1903-1908) Marinetti had mixed feelings about d’Annunzio, whereas in his first Futurist manifestoes (1909-1915) he despised d’Annunzio as a prominent symbol of passatismo. This hostile attitude changed with the Great War and with the seize of Fiume, as after these events Marinetti increasingly represented d’Annunzio as a Futurist man and writer. He traced heavy Futurist influences in the Notturno (1922), and in a number of later writings (1937-1938) made frequent references to d’Annunzio’s undoubtedly Futurist fibre. Through these declarations Marinetti aimed at seizing d’Annunzio’s literary legacy, thus elevating the contemporary Futurist poets as his legitimate successors.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 61-77
Titolo articolo: D’Annunzio, nome comune. Note sulla critica saviniana agli estetismi
D’Annunzio is often mentioned, in Savinio’s works, as a typical representative of a cultural trend rather than as an author in his own right. This is due to the fact that, according to Savinio, the aesthetistic poetry is incapable of an authentic artistic creation, because it finds its place naturally in the field of imitation. Therefore, d’Annunzio’s works are the results of an anonymous and regressive experience, which is the perfect antithesis of Savinio’s idea about art. But this subject is structurally connected with a global and very original view of the world that Savinio develops especially during and after the World War 2. This work investigates the complex ties between the Savinio’s ‘antidannunzianismo’ and the development of his global elaboration.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 79-95
Titolo articolo: «No, non il caval sauro, per noi». Antifrasi e riferimenti dannunziani nell’opera di Carlo Emilio Gadda
D’Annunzio, according to a Gadda’s remarkable declaration, constituted one of the pillars of his own formation. This paper focused on the controversial relationship between Gadda and d’Annunzio: after an initial infatuation, the more grounded Gadda takes on openly critical and parodic positions (in his works, but especially in some sarcastic epistolary communications with Gianfranco Contini). This attitude, however, is not constant over time and leaves place for unequivocal appreciation of the overall figure and specific areas of d’Annunzio’s production.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 97-108
Titolo articolo: La linea stilistica della «chiarezza poetica». Comisso vs d’Annunzio
Giovanni Comisso, after d’Annunzio passed away, proposed to place his artistic figure in the framework of the contemporary critical horizon, selecting a very peculiar formal line, distinguished by ‘clarity’, in order to measure himself and, together, to take the necessary distances from the teaching of the ‘Vate’. In the second part of this paper, a Comissian critical essay is published, which appeared in the early ’60s in Il Mondo of Pannunzio and has remained in the shadows so far; in it we summarise an exemplary historiographical and stylistic balance of the Italian narrative between the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, re-reading in perspective and under another way d’Annunzio’s function.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 109-129
Titolo articolo: «Il rancore servile dei troppi». Antidannunzianesimo di provincia
Dannunzite, a cultural plague, a generational disease that invaded every city and spread like wildfire throughout the Italian peninsula: thanks to critics, unknown or little known journalists and writers who started the literary debate, from the Calabria of Silvio Turco to the Tuscany of Guido Rubetti and Dino Mantovani, as they opposed reference cultural models, such as Ercole Luigi Morselli debuting the Orione, at the Argentina Theatre in Rome, hailed by critics and public as an example of anti-d’Annunzio theatre; and Orazio Amendola from Palermo, who patiently compiled the inventory of reasons to hate d’Annunzio, tracing, on the basis of what Max Nordau did, d’Annunzio’s ‘moral’ and ‘immoral’ arguments. Going through Dannunzianesimo and Dannunzite, the ‘antidannunziani’ showed the two faces of the same cultural phenomenon.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 131-139
Titolo articolo: Gabriele d’Annunzio «grande plagiario al cospetto di Dio»
After a brief illustration of the problem of plagiarism between the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the essay aims to reconstruct and analyse, with a wide-ranging text sampling, the positions of two of the leading exponents of ‘contra d’Annunzio’ in that period: Enrico Thovez and Gian Pietro Lucini. In addition to the specific contribution on the affaire des plagiats, in which d’Annunzio himself was involved, the essay aims to highlight the anti-plagiarism struggle conducted by the two polemists, as a relevant episode of Italian cultural history in the early twentieth century.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 141-158
Titolo articolo: D’Annunzio ‘grecista’ in appendice a Primo vere
The first time Gabriele d’Annunzio’s literary activity dealt with the classical antiquity dates back directly to 1879, when the author published his first poetic collection: Primo vere. It only includes four poetic translations from Horace Odes, but a new improved edition was republished in 1880 including twenty-three translations of nineteen Latin poems (from Catullus, Tibullus and most importantly from Horace) and of four Homeric hymns. A thorough analysis of the translations from ancient Greek allowed to discover the stylistic tendencies of the poet-translator and food for the though concerning the relationship between ancient Greek poetry and Dannunzian works.
Lingua: ItalianoPag. 161-173
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Lo scrittoio imaginifico. Volti e risvolti del d’Annunzio narratore
Edizioni: Sinestesie, Avellino – 2016
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 177-184
Recensore/i: Maria Rosa Giacon
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Emilio Cecchi. L’etica del visivo e lo Stato liberale. Con appendice di testi giornalistici rari. L’etica e la sua funzione antropologica
Edizioni: Milella, Lecce – 2017
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 185-189
Recensore/i: Elena Sbrojavacca
Titolo libro/articolo recensito: Francesca da Rimini
A cura di: Donato Pirovano
Edizioni: Salerno, Roma – 2018
Lingua: Italiano
Pag. 191-194
Recensore/i: Federica Maria Giallombardo